7. Only you and me:

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Sorry I forgot to post this chapter after 6, I'll just call it a, "Forgotten chapter" mistake, sorry! Hope you still enjoy though!


Everyone looked at Shoya surprised as he sat back down slowly, hanging his red face in shame. What was that!? He thought, I wanted to tell her that I value her kindness and friendship too, but for some reason.....
*sigh*.....I chickened out.......

Later when school ended

"Finally," school ended once again with the final bell as Shoya stood out in the hall, waiting for Shoko to come out. Then Shoko came running out and standing in front of Shoya. She smiled as she said, "Hello Shoya!" In her squeaky voice. "Yo," he didn't know how to quite start it or where to go today. "Where do, um, you wanna go today?" Then Shoko thought for a while before smiling again and sigh languaging, "The amusement park?" "Huh?" Shoya was confused, "Aren't we taking things easy for now?" "Actually...." she looked up at Shoya before fully looking at him and smiling nervously with her eyes closed, "I planned something there," "You planned something there? Which means, we have to go?" She nodded yes while hoping Shoya doesn't react too bad to this. Then, to Shoko's surprise, Shoya smiled warmly and said, "Alright. The amusement park it is then. But just one rule..." "Hm?" They started walking through the hallways together as Shoya continued his sentence, "This is only you and me time...." then Shoko blushed a little while looking at Shoya a little worried. Then after realizing what he said, it was Shoya's turn to blush madly. "I-I-I mean, don't run ahead to ride any other ride without me or play a game or whatever. Don't even go to the food stands without me. I'll be paying for all this of course, since you probably don't have any---" Shoko whips out a little purse, shocking Shoya as she then speaks, "Let me help. We'll both pay for each half of the day." Then Shoya sighs as he continues, "Okay then, go the hard way about this, but my point is, as your mom and family might get on you about most of the time, you need protection, so at least stay by my side so I can fill in their job for them and watch over you...." Shoko thought about this as she looked at a blushing Shoya. Then she smiled and nodded. Shoya relaxed and then said, "Okay, good," "Um, Shoya?" She asked. "Yeah?" "U-Um...." she frooze a little on her words too before going ahead, "Two things...." "Yeah?" "Firstly, what did you want to say to me in the classroom, but then changed your mind?" "////// ohh.........Um......." How is he gonna tell her? She'll think Shoya was angry about her and Miyoko's friendship and get upset and then who knows what will happen next (even though that's the case). "I......"
Then he looks at her a little serious while still blushing, "Do you.....hate me?" Shoko became surprised and nodded her head side to side, indicating 'no'. "Huh? How? I bully you, tease you, and fine, I'll even admit this, I sometimes annoy you, don't I---?" "No!" She looked at him upset. "Shoya......I don't hate you.....no matter wha you say and do to me....."
Then she walked up to him and hugged him cutely. Then after standing there surprised for a while, he smiled and hugged her back. Thank goodness, she deserves this, and he made sure his hug was sincere. Then after that was over, she smiled at him and sigh languaged, "Let's go," "Alright, alright, I'm going, I'm going," then she went for his hand, grabbed it, and held onto it as they started walking. Shoya couldn't help but smile and press back. Before they knew it, they were both holding hands without any care in the world, just the two of them......

"What?" Shoya looked ahead surprised while Shoko just smiled. Guess what happened. By "coincidence", they bumped into their group of friends, Miyoko, Tomohiro, Satoshi, Miki, and.....Ueno.....ew..........
"Hi guys!" She waved and smiled in her sqeaky voice. "Hi Shoko! Yaaay!" Then as everyone runs up to Shoko and hugs her, Shoya is shown standing alone, wondering what's going on. "Shoko," she turns around and looks at him, "What's going on?" "Oh," she looks back at their friends, then at him. She sigh languaged to him, explaining that that was the second thing she wanted to tell him.  Everyone's here because they all wanted to do something together, so that's why she choose the amusement park. "Wait, what!? Shoko!" She got startled a little as she asked what's wrong. "Oh I don't know, maybe it's the fact I thought these hangouts were only gonna be a you and me thing! Now you tell me you want to bring these guys in it? At least wait a while before you do! Sheesh!" Everyone becomes shocked at Shoya's sudden, angry outburst and becomes a little upset. Shoko and Miki though try much effort to smile. Ueno just glares at Shoya and then decides to make things worse, "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you owned Shoko, bossing her around like a dad, 'no you can't do that!' 'no stay here!' Calm down baldy!" Shoya blushes a little before he starts agruing with Ueno, "Okay, listen here ugly, I may trust everyone else, but knowing how fed up you are with Shoko, my best suggestions are, 'you are to leave her alone' and 'leave now while things are still calm', does that help?" Everyone gasps as Ueno says, "You know what? Galdly!" She turns to Shoko and fakes smiling sadly, "Sorry Shoko," then she stomps off. Everyone looks at Shoya after Ueno dissappears. "What? I know what I'm doing," then as Shoya stomps off to go get tickets for the rides, his chest begins to pound again. *sigh* who am I kidding? Myself? I don't know what I'm doing. Or why I'm doing it. Then after a tap on the shoulder, Shoya jumps up a little from being startled and then turns around to see Shoko. She didn't look too happy, rather upset. "Why did you chase Ueno off?" He looked at her surprised before becoming a little mad. "Shoko, trust what I'm doing, It's for your own good," was all he said to her before padding her on the shoulder and walking off. His chest started pounding even harder. Ugh. Is it normal to feel like this from someone? Why is it with only Shoko?........I'm so confused.....

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