13. Sinkers vs. Shippers: Shoko's Birthday Special!: Part two:

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"Shoko! Come on!" Yuzuru waved weakly in boredom. Shoko turned around and then came running towards her mom and sister. She smiled at them warmly as Mrs. Nishimiya said, "Shoko, please, we have less than an hour before the guests arrive, try to prepare yourself better," Shoko looked at at her dress surprised and then looked back up at her mother in confusion. Then she smiled and nodded. Shoko was wearing a beautiful, short, white dress that sparkled sliver from top to bottom, a small, sliver tiara, had a pearl bracelet on, and matching sliver shoes that was open, and had straps on them. She asked them in sigh language if she looked nice in her dress, to which her mother responded, "Sure honey, it looks nice," and Yuzuru, "Yep, sure fits ya Cinderella," then Shoko giggled adorably at her sister's comment on her being Cinderella, if anything, her light brown hair and outfit color is the only thing different, otherwise, she does look somewhat like her. "Shoko!" She turned around her to see a crowd of kids coming towards her. There was Shoya running towards her, smiling and waving with his right hand while his left carried her gift, the gang with Hinata leading (she looked worried as she tried to run faster towards her), and then Shimada and Ueno on his bike, racing towards the girl. Shoko stared in shock snd surprise, while her mother and sister looked disgusted/horrified. Then Yuzuru turned to her sister, "When we said you can invite people to your party, we didn't mean Weirdos and Jerks." Maybe as expected, Shoya was the first to reach her. She hugged him tightly while smiling before the mother interrupted. "Ahem," they both turn to her, "Shoya Ishida.......of all people, you invite the bullying rascal, Shoya Ishida....." Shoya shivered with nervousness as he made a awkward face and tried to wave hello. She only turned away from him, going to everyone else. She looked at Ueno, who arrived with Shimada and Hirose. "Huh......you're the girl that harrassed my daughter......welcome...." She smiled menacingly at her and turned to the boys, "And you guys are Shoya's good-for-nothing little friends.....welcome too...." she then changed to a death glare at them, "Don't cause havoc, and i'll Spare you the pain....." she then moved on regularly to Shoko's group of friends, who along with them, was Hinata. "I think you guys are her friends, right?" "Yes Ma'am!" Hinata shouted while bowing, then looked back at her with great concentration, "We're very good friends of Shoko Nishimiya-chan, and we wish to only spend and enjoy time with her on her birthday!" Mrs. Nishimiya stands there shocked, before smiling curiously and looks Hinata in the eyes. "Really? Are you sure you're not gonna—" "I rest assure you ma'am that none of us intend to ruin her party," she glares at Ueno, Shimada, and Hirose, "right guys?" At first, it seemed like they didn't want to say it. So she smirked and decided to push the pressure, "Even if one of us were jealous of her," Ueno frooze with extreme shock as Hinata continued on, "Even if one of us felt she took someone important away from us, per say, a best friend," Shimada was wide-eyed now, but still glaring at Hinata, "And even if one of us just tagged along, just for the heck of it, not because they wanted to," Hirose gasped as he looked at her upset. Then she turned back to the mother, "I promise we're here only to celabrate with Joyful smiles, Right guys?" She glared at the three while mumbling the last part very angrily. Then after a few minutes of grumbling under their breathes, Ueno sighed, "Right," "We promise to leave her alone," Shimada reluctantly agreed. Then Hinata smiles back at Mrs. Nishimiya as she says in a calm, but for voice, "Alright, I'm trusting you, uh," "Hinata," "Huh?" "My name is Hinata ma'am," "Right, Hinata, every single person here right now, I'm warning you, you better respect my daughter while it's her birthday, got it? Otherwise, I'll be forced to take drastic measures...." Everyone gulped and nodded. "Good, let me not hear a single whimper from Shoko or anyone at this party," she then stomped off, as everyone looked at Shoko scared. "Sorry," she sigh languaged, "My mom's very tough and cold towards strangers," "You don't say?" Shimada nudged Ueno hard. "What?" "First, you fear her, now, you bravely say she's not?" "When did I say that Tomohiro?" She whipped her head back at Tomohiro, "Oh, I don't know, you hinted it maybe five seconds ago?" "Listen Pork chop, if you're gonna get mouthy with me, watch how fast I skin you alive," "Looks like you and Shoko's mother aren't that different," "What was that?" "I think you heard right, you've got ears for a reason," "Say that again....." Tomohiro  looked at Ueno and saw her glaring creepily at him. "SAY THAT AGAIN!" She charged at full speed towards him, but was then quickly stopped by Shoya. "Ueno!" He shouted as he pushed her away from Tomohiro.
"Ya-sho...." Ueno looked at Shoya surprised, "Why are you covering up for this loser?" She rudely pointed at him as Shoya slapped her hand down. "Ueno, get real, you heard what Mrs. Nishimiya said, she wants all of us to behave and get along..." "Are you sure she said that?" She gave Shoya one of her cute, flirty faces. "Pretty sure she said that." "Okay then, I promise that me, Shimada, and Hirose will behave," "Alright then, I'm surprised that you two even came," He looks at his best friends, Shimada blushing a little, and Hirose laughing under his breathe. Shimada nudged Hirose hard and then coughs once, "I'll explain that later," "Okay then, thanks guys," Shoya, Hirose, and Shoko's group of friends then leave to go greet Shoko and complement her, as Hinata, Ueno, and Shimada stay behind. All three glare at each other, "Pretty strong speaker Hinata, but let's get something straight here," She pokes her finger into Hinata's forehead, "Interfere with your little group of friends, and watch how quick things turn ugly," "Same goes to you, Ueno, leave Shoko and Shoya alone for the rest of the day, and let both be happy, even if it means they get familiar  with each other, and I might spare you trouble...." "Tsk," Ueno and Hinata glare at each other intensely as Ueno then puts her hand out, "Okay then, we both behave, and no one gets hurt, deal?" "Actually, here's a better proposal," Ueno and Shimada listen carefully and curiously. "Maybe a contest, but mostly a battle, team Sinkers, which is you guys, vs. Us, team Shippers, the team to win by the end of the day, gets their way, deciding Shoya and Shoko's relationship, deal?" She puts her hand out as Ueno thinks on it. "I bet on it " Shimada shakes Hinata's hand, but still had his serious face on. Then Ueno smirks after thinking of something. "Deal...." she shakes her hand in agreement as Hinata glares at her saying,

"May the best team win,"

Part 3 in next chapter!

(Wow, this is gonna be one heck of a special! 😅)

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