12. Sinkers vs. Shippers: Shoko's Birthday Special!::

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"Because I want to celebrate together with you, you're just as important to me as everyone else is,"

Shoya woke up to his alarm, then turned it off. He rubbed his head before recalling what he dreamt. He still remembered what Shoko said about her birthday. It's June 7th, on a Saturday, will be held at, I think she said her house? I dunno. I'll ask her again today. And then she said she wanted me to come to her birthday party. Of all people, me, the one who bullies her, or, do I still do that? I really don't know anything anymore...
He looks at his calendar for today's date. His eyes widen. "Oh my gosh! You're frigging kidding me!" He looked more closer again, rubbing his eyes. Yep. June 7th, and falls on a Saturday. "Shoko!" He jumps out of bed and runs around the house preparing to go. "Please let it be at her house, Please let it be at her house, Please let it be at her house," he kept repeating, hoping with all his might, since he forgot the real destination. After getting his shoes on, he ran down the stairs, and dashed through the kitchen. His mom and sister turned around to look at him. "Shoya, where are you going? It's Saturday," "Be back by 5 mom, going to a friend's party," "WHO'S PARTY!?"


The door already slammed shut before the mother could get an answer. Then she face-palmed herself, "Shoya, please don't get into any trouble," she then touched her ear, where her scar lays, "I'd hate for someone to get hurt again...." Shoya's sister looks at her and then lowers her head upsetly as she remembers. "I still can't believe Mrs. Nishimiya did that to you...." "No.....she has much right to do so," "huh?" She looked up to her mother in confusion. "I should of raised my son right while I had the Chance, now, I think he's a bit too wild to handle. However." She looks out the window, and then Shoya is shown running down to Shoko's place. "If anything......I believe that innocent, little girl will end up being the one person who can control him and handle him..."


the gang was preparing for Shoko's birthday, while Shimada and Hirose were at a park, just randomly hanging out together. Let's start with Shimada and Hirose first. They were expecting Shoya to show up like usual so they could go bridge jumping again, or any other nonsense those boys do. Finally, after a long while, Shimada got inpatient. "That's it, it's been over 2 hours now, I'm texting," "You don't think he forgot, right?" Hirose asked concerned. "Pfft, of course not, he's just probably sleeping his ass off at home," then after shooting a text, the two wait, Hirose concerned and Shimada inpatient. After a few minutes, the phone vibrates, "Finally," and Shimada checks the message with Hirose.

From: Shoya
Sub: Hey Shimada,

Sorry, I won't be able to make it today, I'm kinda busy with something. You see. It's Sho-----I mean another friend's birthday party, and I promised them i'd go, so I'll be busy the whole day, however, I'm free tomorrow, so we'll Bridge jump or whatever tomorrow, okay? Anyways, later dude,

"He abandoned us!?" Hirose asked upsetly as Shimada stared at the message wided eye. Then it turned to a very serious face. "Another friend's party? Promised them I'd go? I'm free tomorrow? What?" Then he shoves his phone back in his pocket and stomps off. Hirose follows behind him worried, "Shimada! Wait! Where are you going!?" Shimada hops on his bike, and looks over to Hirose. "That little slip up in his message gave me a pretty good clue who he's with right now, and it's not our ally...." "What?" "Hop on, now," Hirose stared confused for a second before Shimada shouted, "Now!" "R-Right!" Then he hops on and Shimada blasts at full speed on his bike. "I'm not letting that little deaf girl steal our best friend from us..."

Meanwhile with the gang~~~~~~~

Tomohiro, Satoshi, Miyoko, and Miki are packing everything needed. "I'm so excited for Shoko, eeee!" "I know, right? I can't believe her birthday rolled along so fast," everyone was talking left and right around her party, each one excited about it. "Oh yeah, did you remind her about Shoya?" "What?" "Tomohiro!" Miyoko yelled upsetly, "You didn't tell her?" "Tell her about Shoya?" "Yes!" "What about--------Ohhh, you mean," "Yes, the surprise," "Oh. Then no" Satoshi face palms himself and then looks at Miki, "Alright Miki, you have Shoko's number?" "No..." "I do!" Miyoko bravely raises her hand. "Alright then, Miyoko, call Shoko up and remind her about Shoya's surprise," "Hai!" She excitingly called her up as then Miki saw someone walking down the road with a bag. She seemed like the cute, quiet type and the bag she was holding looked like a birthday present. Then Satoshi saw her too. "Hey, who's that?" "And why is she walking with a present that way?" Tomohiro asked. Then realization hit Miki and she shouted excitingly, "Wait! I know her!" And then she ran out the door to go greet her as everyone else shrugged and followed behind her. After a while of running, Miki called out, "Hey!" The girl stopped walking and turned around curiously. "Huh?" Then everyone sees her and remembers her. "Oh my gosh, Hinata!" Hinata gasps as she then smiles, "Class president? And then you guys must be," she looks at the smiling crowd before her, "You're Shoko's group of friends!" "Hinata! Are you going to Shoko's party too?" "Yep, she decided to invite me since I'm Class vice president and close friends with Miki," "Get outta here, I can't believe the president and vice president are coming in person to Shoko's birthday! Lucky girl!" Tomohiro laughed as then everyone laughed. Then Hinata said,
"Hey guys," they all stop laughing and look at the smiling girl, "Since I'm going this way, and I think you guys are too, do you want to walk over to Shoko's party together?" Everyone smiled, "Sure!" "Yeah, why not?" Then Hinata giggles softly before noticing something behind her. It was Shimada and Hirose on the bike, however, they stopped at a bus stop there after seeing Ueno. "Is that?" She pointed to the three as everyone looked that way. They all stared disgusted. "Ohhh boy..." "Ueno and her two henchman..." Then Shimada was looking at Ueno angrily while explaining why he's in a rush. Ueno's eyes widen and then she becomes angry like him. She then forces herself on the backseat, pushing Hirose off and the two leave him behind. Then the gang watch Ueno and Shimada dash across the road on his bike with Hirose flapping his arms in the arm, trying to tell them to wait for him. The gang look at each other concerned. "I didn't know Shoko invited them," Hinata said a little upset. "That's the thing, she didn't," Miyoko explained, "I bet they just want to crash the party for poor Shoko," Satoshi said angry and upset. "Guys wait!" Everyone looks at Tomohiro surprised, "I know this theory might be pushing it, but if Ueno is going with them, then that could only mean one thing," Everyone gasps as Miki covers her mouth, "Are you trying to say that since Ueno goes wherever Shoya goes, since he's going to her birthday party, Ueno is going too!? not only to steal all his attention from her, but ruin her party horribly if she catches the two together!?" "Yes!" Tomohiro cried worried. Everyone then panicks before Hinata shouts, "Then we have to beat her to it," everyone looks at her, "If we make it in time before those three do, we can not only warn Shoko, but protect her and Shoya before they can start anything," "True," Satoshi agreed, "Knowing Shoya, he always comes early to events or gatherings, especially if Shoko's there," "Then we have to leave now!" Everyone agreed and then started running as a group to Shoko's party. "This isn't just territory those three are crossing," Hinata said with anger blazing in her eyes, "This is a declaration of war,"

Part 2 in next chapter

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