8. Overprotective much? or just Jealous?:

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"Shoya!" He looks at Tomohiro, "Where should we go first?" "Wait a minute, me!?" "Yeah! Why not let the party animal start it?" Party animal!? What is he talking about!? "Alright, where did you get that title from?" He asked, crossing his arms. "Uhh, the class," "Them?" "Yeah, when me and Satoshi wanted to learn a little about you, we asked some of your fellow classmates, and most of them sumed you up as, 'Wild', 'Daring', 'Gregarious', and mainly, 'Party animal', which kinda interested us," "So....they were talking about me again, huh?" "Yep!" Tomohiro smiled goofy. Shoya just sighed and waved his hand, "Anyway, come on," He then leads them to some of the carnival booths. They look around at all the teenagers and adults that surrounded them and then looked at the prizes. Shoya hears little excited noises come from Shoko. "Shoko, what's wrong?" She looks at him and smiles as she points to a adorable Panda with sparkling eyes and pink, heart shaped cheeks. "Oh, you want that one?" She smiles as she nods her head and folds her hands together. "Because it's cute?" She nods her head again. "Okay then, how about----" "Don't worry Shoko! I'll get that cute Panda for you!" he was cut off by Tomohiro, who just reached into his pocket, took out some yen, and slammed it on the table. "I'll like 5 balls to throw please!" Shoya just glared at him. "Here ya are lad," then he breathed in, and out. "Here, we, GO!" He threw it very fast and didn't knock any pinballs down. "Uh, second throw!" Throws again and guess what? Misses again. "Ugh, third times a charmer!" Throws faster and still misses. Then after the 4th and last throw, he finally struck all the pins down and won. "Winner!" The man reached for the Panda and then gave it to Tomohiro. "Congratulations, here's your prize!" Tomohiro then smiles as he turns to Shoko. "For you," Shoko smiles and cheers as she takes it from him and swings it all around. Then she hugs it tight and sigh languages, "Thank you Tomohiro!" He just stood there confused for a while before smiling again. "I might have not understood what you just said, but I'm going to guess you thanked me, and to that, I say, you're very welcome!" He bows at her as she giggles. "Ugggh...." Shoya's low grumbles are heard from Miyoko, Miki, and Satoshi as they all look at him confused. Miki looked a little more scared than the other two though. Tsk.....I can't believe this......
One minute I'm talking with Shoko and she's smiling at ME, Another minute Tomohiro cuts in, acts as a hero, gets her the Panda I wanted to get her, and now she's smiling at HIM......"Hello? Earth to Shoya? Hello?" Satoshi waved his hand up and down, snapping Shoya out of his thoughts. "Huh?" "Shoya? You okay man?" "Uh, yep! Just swell, all is well, so yep, I'm very ok!" Satoshi tilted his head to the side in confusion as Shoya's smile, turned to a worried one. What was that? I know I'm angry, but, I have other chances, Yeah! Next time, I'll get my chance!

Later on~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Oh look!" Shoya looked forward and saw what Miyoko was pointing at, "Who wants to go on the Ferris Wheel?" His heart dropped the minute he heard that. The Ferris Wheel.....no.....that was---! "Sho-ya?" He jumped in surprise a little and looked to his right to see Shoko looking confused. "Are u okay?" She asked in her squeaky voice. Poor Shoya needed to lie in order to save her from the truth of what happened in the future, "Y-Yeah, I'm....okay...." even if it meant making himself look like a fool. "Are u sure?" She asked again, this time, looking more worried than the last. "Yeah...." then. Suddenly out of nowhere. She grabbed his hand, which kinda startled him. She just smiled at him and said, "It'll be okay. I'll be okay. As long as I'm with you...." Shoya kinda blushed to that, as well as her. Then she apologized, but he tried to tell her it's okay. Then he started getting lost in his thoughts, thinking about what happened on the ferris wheel last time. With Shoko and Ueno. That witch.....💢

"I don't think the way I felt about you back then was wrong. But that was then, this is now. I hate you, and you hate me. But even if we hate each other, I think we can coexist peacefully."

Ueno puts her hand out to Shoko.

"So let's shake on it."

"I...I don't hate you....I hate.....myself.."


"You hate yourself? So what? 💢Don't act like that makes you special! Just like five years ago, you have NO intention of talking to me!!"

When Shoya thinks about that day, he stands there frozen, his eyes so cold that his pupils wouldn't show. I was so done with her that day, I wanted to beat her for it, thought Shoya, and so did Yuzuru, but I held back that feeling because I learned a long time ago, Violence doesn't solve anything. It only makes things worse.


"Shoya?" Shoko was tugging on his sleeve, which caught his attention. "Hm?" "What's wrong?" Shoya tried lying, "Shoko, I told you, I'm fine!" But apparently, she read him like a book, and only pouted. He looked at Miyoko, and then glared. "Fine Shoko, you want to know the truth?" She nodded yes while looking at him worried. He then wrapped both arms around her, pulled her close, and hugged her tight, which surprised everyone. "I don't want you going on that Ferris Wheel. Ever." Everybody was shocked now. Miyoko then said, "Why not? She's my best friend, and I think it's time we caught up and---" "NO! Shoko is to never go on that ride unless I go along too, got it?" All wide eyes were on him as he continued to hug Shoko tighter, while blushing. Then Tomohiro suddenly grinned. "Oooo, I think I know why...." Shoya and Shoko stopped hugging as he looked at Tomohiro confused. "What are you---?" He stopped on his words to think. Then Tomohiro finished the answer for him. "Your really cautious of her, aren't you? Overprotective much? Or are you, you know, just jealous?" He laughed the last part. Shoya blushes brightly at that question, comprehending what to think or say of it. Overprotective of Shoko? Jealous? No! NO! (>////<)

"Don't be ridiculous Tomohiro! I-I-I just don't feel, you know, since she gets bullied a lot at school, I don't trust her going alone places with people in case----" everybody starts laughing except Shoko, who was confused of all this. "Don't you bully her too? And you know Shoya, it is a common fact that if a boy teases a girl, it means they---" "ALRIGHT TOMOHIRO THANK YOU!" And grabs Shoko's hand while stomping off somewhere with her. While everyone laughs at him, Shoko looks at Shoya's face and asks, "Why is your face red Shoya?" That one question, broke everyone's laugh boxes as they cracked up laughing. Tomohiro shouted, "Good question!" Then poor Shoya just hid his face while still stomping away with her.

So teasing someone means.....you like them? Bah......stupid nonsense......I bet that's just made up to scare the crap out of guys. But then again.......why do I tease her so much? And why does my heart pound around her so much?

(Author-san message: Well Shoya my boy, you'll learn soon why! But you're gonna regret it 😆)

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