15. Sinkers vs. Shippers: Shoko's Birthday Special!: Part four:

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Sorry! Just quick reminder. Videos and music provided in chapter does NOT belong to me. Just for fanfiction entertainment purposes. Thank you, and enjoy!

"Time to bump up the game!"

"Huh?" everybody looks at Yuzuru confused, "What do you mean 'Time to bump up the game'?" Tomohiro asked. Yuzuru smirked and then raised her head up proudly, "Okay, we managed to get two people out of the running, correct? So now, we're gonna change things up by making the contestants find a seat under 2 minutes...." "UNDER TWO MINUTES!?" Everyone screamed surprised as some of them actually sank in their seats. "Yep, once timer's up, whoever didn't find a seat under that time limit is eliminated first, then the people who lost their seat to another competitor, stay on the ground until you're called next to leave the game, so I'll make it clear now," She glares at everyone with a prideful smirk, "A lot of you will be rid of in this round....." Everyone looks at each other horrified as she continues speaking, "If I were you, I would start preparing your game plan for dominance over your selected chair now...." Then everyone starts glaring at each other before preparing for the next round. "Alright! Time to start round 3!"

Pause at 1:10

"EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF! YOU'VE GOT TWO MINUTES TO GET A CHAIR!  GO!" Everyone runs around crazy, trying to fill up the remaining chairs. Ueno then bumps Miyoko out of her seat hard and sits in it proudly. "Ow!" Ueno just smirks at her. And.........


Everyone freezes in position as Yuzuru scans the premises. "Okay, starting first with the people who didn't find a seat.........Hirose and Satoshi are out!" "Aww," "Dang it...." the two contestants then as they head for the Losers Lounge, two chairs are pulled out of the game. "And for those who lost their seat to someone else......
Miyoko! You're out!" She snaps her fingers in disappoint and then heads for the Losers Lounge. "Alright, you guys got lucky this time, next time however, we'll see who will be left.........que new music!" She takes out a new disc and then starts playing jams. "Ready? Time for round 4!"

"Okay, which one is this?" Ueno asked curiously. "Jpop! How many times do we need to tell you?" Yuzuru shouted to her impatiently. "I meant the name of the song..." "Just focus on the game otherwise you'll lose your seat..."  "Alright," she sighed.

Pause at 0:45

"EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF! YOU'VE GOT ONE MINUTE THIS TIME!" "ONE!?" "Yeah, I know, I'm cruel, NOW SEAT IT OR BEAT IT!" she shouted while pointing at the chairs. Everyone was panicking again, fighting for dominance over the chairs. Finally, Yuzuru said, "TIME'S UP! Alright..........Shimada, you're out!" "Damn it!" He shouted as he sulked his way to the Losers Lounge. Then the game continued on, the music playing and stopping and chairs and contestants being eliminated left and right. Before anyone knew it, just as both Sinkers and Shippers predicted, Shoya and Shoko were the last standing contestants. Two kids. One chair. "Let's see how this goes...." Ueno smirked confidently. Hinata looked worried though. "Please Shoya..........
Resist your competitiveness for once...
For Shoko.......please......" "Final round!" Shoya and Shoko shake hands, "May the best player win princess," he smiled. Shoko blushed and then giggled at the cute nickname. "Let's get this started!" And so, again, new music plays,

"What's this on---" "Damn, It's Jpop! Beautiful Jpop, now shut up!" Yuzuru finally got impatient with Ueno, constantly asking which one was what. Ueno glared at her and then Shoko. Hinata just waited, tensing up from what Shoya might do when the music stops. "Awww man, please Shoya," Tomohiro prayed, "Please don't hurt her," and surprising, when the music started playing longer than supposed to, Hinata looked at Yuzuru worried. Yep. Yuzuru was also afraid to hit 'stop' now. She tried thinking of something and then got an idea. She carefully focused on Shoya and Shoko, continuing to let the song run longer. "What's she doing?" Ueno mumbled irritated. Also was looking at Shoko and Shoya worried, until finally, Yuzuru decided to hit the 'stop' botton.

Pause at 1:30

"Hurry and grab your seat!" She shouted this time. Shoya went dashing for the last seat, Shoko was trying to run to it as well. Then, both happen to arrive at the same time and sit tightly next to each other. Everyone was expecting something to happen, like Shoya bump Shoko off. Let's see what happens....

"Uh, Shoko!" He blushed as looked at her, "isn't this kinda tight? Make some room," then both kinda push a little, until they both gave up and only looked each other in the eyes. Shoya could feel his heart racing from how close Shoko was. Shoko, of course, her face was flushed too, her heart racing as well. "3......2.......1........TIME'S UP!" Shoya and Shoko screamed startled. Then everyone faced Yuzuru. "Alright, let's see....." she scans Shoya and Shoko, making the two feel even more uncomfortable. "Okay, I have decided......" everyone looks at her eagerly, "I decided.............

That since Shoya and Shoko are still sitting together in the one remaining chair, they are both automatically the winners of Musical chairs!" "What?" The Shippers asked surprised/happy, "WHAT!?" the Sinkers yelled angerily.
"Please tell me you're pulling my leg," Ueno asked roughly. "No way Jose, if two remaining contestants are still sitting on the same chair after Game over, they are both declared the winners of the game." Yuzuru explained confidently.

"Uhh, I'm pretty sure that's not even in the rule bo---" Yuzuru knocked Tomohiro out clean to shut him up. "Of course it is, it's just an unspoken rule,"

Team Shippers laugh their heads off as Team Sinkers glare at Yuzuru who just slyly chuckles at them in victory. Poor Shoko and Shoya were both blushing madly, both not knowing what was going on.

🎉🌟Victory point goes to Team Shippers! 💘

Then after getting their laughs, Mrs. Nishimiya comes in to check on them. Everyone freezes in place. "Uh, yes Ma'am! Everything's fine here!" "I thought you guys were playing musical chairs, it sounded kinda wild for the game," "Yes! That's because, we're.....playing the advanced rules!" "We are?" Yuzuru shuts Tomohiro up again, "Yes Fatso, we are, or, we were, now it's game over...." "Really? Who won?" "Shoya and Shoko," Hinata smiled as Shoko and Shoya turn to her mom worried. Her glare was full of hate. "You both won?" "Uhh......yeah....." Shoya managed to say. Then she just turned her head and walked off. "Alright children, time to serve my daughter her cake...." "Yaaaay!" Everyone screamed excited as they ran towards the birthday table. Oh boy, Shoya thought,

As if musical chairs wasn't enough, now I got to worry about this.......

To be continued in next part.......

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