14. Sinkers vs. Shippers: Shoko's Birthday Special!: Part three:

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Quick note: the Song in this chapter and the Next one do not belong to me. All rights go to their respectful owners. Thank you!

"Wow Shoko! You look so adorable!" Miyoko said admiringly as Shoko thanked her. "So, how old are you today?" Shoko held her fingers to 7, indicating how old she was now. Everyone watched in awe and then congratulated her on turning seven. Shoya smiled slightly, remembering something, Heh, she does look pretty. Now that I think about it, she's 7 today, right? And my birthday was just yesterday too. Of course, she came and enjoyed it, congratulating me on turning seven like her today. She even got me a present, which was very surprising to me! So I figured since she gave me something I liked, it would only be so right to give her back something in return as thanks and a "Happy Birthday!" Surprise, Shoya then taps Shoko on the shoulder and she turns around. "U-Um," he stuttered at first after seeing her adorable, sparkling brown eyes, "S-Shoko, you look......R-Really.......uhh...."
Yuzuru rolled her eyes, how hopeless can you be? She thought. Then she ran ahead and kinda hugged Shoya, "*Ahem* Sorry, I know he's kinda slow, but I believe what Romeo here was trying to say is, 'Gosh Shoko, you look pre---'" "AAHHHHHhhh No I did not! I meant that, uh, her dress makes her look, uh, royalty! Uh, yeah, So, uh," Shoko smiled at him and thanked him. He looked at Shoko confused. "Thank you, Yuzuru did mention how I almost resemble Cinderella," then the both giggled adorably, smiling warmly at each other. Ueno and Shimada glared at Shoko with hate blazing in their eyes, but Hinata elbowed Ueno softly. She turned to her. "Remember.....you can't directly intervene..." Ueno stomped her foot to the ground and growled. Then Hinata walked off to where Yuzuru was and gave her a pat on the shoulder. She smiled. "Well done child.....well done....." Yuzuru stared at her confused, "Well done on what?" Everyone then ran to the first game they were gonna play, which was Musical Chairs. Everybody, but Shoko and Shoya of course, then met in one big circle. "Alright everybody, got the drill?" Ueno asked roughly. "Hai," they all nodded. Hinata then turned to everyone, "Remember guys, this is an all-out war between shippers and sinkers. Which means each side will be attacking the other with setups and surprises, however, no ambushes on either team are allowed, nor decision forcing on any of the individuals of the ship, got it?" "Hai," "Alright then, without futher ado, let's commence phase one, Musical Chairs...." Hinata turned to Ueno with a sour face, "No cheating Sinkers, got it?" "Got it," then both teams left in their own direction as Shoko and Shoya prepared the music.

Phase one: Musical Chairs:

Team Shippers:

advantage - When the game all goes down to two people, they must fight for Dominance of the chair, therefore, at first, it might cause two people to tightly sit next to each other, which, might cause awkward tension.

Team Sinkers:

Advantage - Both last standing contestants must fight for dominance of the chair, and considering how rough Shoya is, Shoko could accidentally get hurt if he's careless....

"Is everyone ready?" Shoko asked in her adorable squeaky voice. "Hai!" They all said in unison. "Which sound are we playing for this round?" Shoko smiled, and shook her side. "Ohh, it's a surprise?" She nodded yes this time. "Okay then, all we need now is someone controlling the song," "Ooo! Me! Me! Let me do it! Please!" Hinata turned to Yuzuru and then smiled, "Sure, Yuzuru will be our honorary DJ for Musical Chairs!" Everyone clapped and smiled as she prepared herself at the table. Ueno and Shimada immediately frowned once they saw what they were doing. "Is there nothing we can do right now?" She mumbled angrily, crossing her arms. Shimada then smirked a little when remembering something. "Actually, we already did," "Huh?" Ueno looked at him confused, "What the heck are you talking about? We haven't made a move yet!" "Not physically, but if you think about this carefully and see the circumstances given, they're actually playing our game...." "Really?" "For sure, don't forget, Muscial Chairs is a game of Dominance, and when it comes to games like that, Shoya goes all-out rough to be king......." "Huh, now that you mention....." Ueno starts thinking and then smirks, "Your right........even that one time back when we played Dodgeball, he had no mercy on me or really any other girl, he even said so himself he doesn't like girls, so," "That means even if he did care about her, his competitiveness will still take over him, thus, triggering sensitive Shoko......" Then the two evilily smirk at each other and join the others in the circle around the line of chairs. "Alright, everyone there?" "Hai," "Are we ready?" "Hai!" "Alright then, Commense the music!" And so, the game begins......

"What music is this?" Ueno asked awkwardly. "Jpop baby!" Yuzuru yelled happily as she continued playing the song. Everyone ran around the line for a pretty long time.

Pause at 0:25

Everyone froze at first before Yuzuru screamed, "Every man for himself!" And then they all quickly took the nearest by chair and sat in it. Everyone looked at each other for a minute before Yuzuru called out, "And Fatso is out!" "Excuse you! I remember clearly that my name was
Tomohiro Nagatsuka!" "But it's also Fatso, now get out," she pointed towards what they all called, "The losers Lounge," Tomohiro huffed and then left to the Losers Lounge. "Eliminate chair 1#" and Ueno dragged chair 1# off to the side. Then the music picked off from where it left off.

Pause at 0:46

"Every man for himself!" Everyone quickly sits, some almost fell, and others didn't have to fight for their seats. Ueno bumped Miki roughly out of the way and took her seat, leaving Miki the loser of that round. "Sorry Miki, you're out...." "Aww....." she walked slowly to the Losers Lounge, and on her way, her and Ueno glared coldly at each other. "Eliminate chair 2#" and then Ueno dragged chair 2# off to the side. "Alright, not bad, Fatso and Miki are out, leaving Ueno, Shimada, Hirose, Miyoko, Satoshi, Hinata, Shoko, and Shoya in the running...." Everyone, expect Shoko who looked worried, glared at each other intensely as Yuzuru raised her hand in the air, pointing up.

"Time to bump up the game!"

Part four in next chapter

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