11. Close, but yet so far:

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An hour later or so (imagine being stuck on a Ferris Wheel that long) they fixed the problem and started operating it again. "Okay everyone, she's starting up again!" Then the ride started moving again, to everyone's relief. After minutes go by, Shoko and Shoya get off the ride, Shoya's face as red as a tomato (Yes, that's a Hetalian joke) and Shoko following behind him, looking at the crowd of people confused. Then Shoya stops a moment and puts his point finger up to signal to Shoko, "Wait a minute," and whips out his phone. A few beeps are heard as he presses bottons and texts someone, then he puts his phone away in his pocket and sighs, "Come on Shoko," She stares at him confused, but quickly turns to a worried face as she sigh languages, "But what about the others?" Shoya heavily sighs and waves his right hand up and down, "Don't worry about it, I already notified them on it, let's go," Shoko was confused at first again, but then smiled and followed behind him. The gang was now shown at a picnic table, eating lunch. All of them were talking about Shoya and Shoko. "Wonder where Ya-sho went with Shoko?" "Who knows?" "Wherever they are, I bet Shoko's having a lot of fun with them..." "What makes you say that Miyoko?" "I'm not really sure, but I can see how she's right Satoshi, Shoko does seem very close to Shoya," Beep~
Tomohiro's phone goes off and he panics, trying to silence it down. "AHHH! Turn off! Turn off!" Then after a few more jumps, he finally catches it and hids it. He looks nervously at the crowd staring at him, some of them awkwardly, some of them irritated. "S-Sorry," he looks at his phone and sees a message from Shoya. "Oh! Hey everybody it's Ya-sho!" "Don't you mean Shoya?" "Yeah, whatever," then he looks through the message and reads it out loud.

From: Shoya
Sub: Hey Tomohiro

Tell the others I'm going home with Shoko, I don't wanna really get into why, but, so the others don't worry, tell them, okay? Thanks man,

"What!?" Tomohiro screamed surprised. "So he just walked out on us? With Shoko?" Satoshi asked confused. Then Miki started to worry, "Oh dear, I hope nothing terrible  happened," then a light bulb flashed in Tomohiro's head, and he smirked, "Maybe you should call them and check to see if everything's oka---" "No need," "huh?" All attention went on Tomohiro as everyone wondered about his smirking. "Are you seriously that confident to say that?" "Yes, in fact, I think my poor buddy just wanted to excuse himself from the group to have some alone time with Shoko, remember earlier?" Then realization hit all of them as they remembered Shoya's pervious jealousy.

"Way to go Tomohiro! I'm actually impressed,"

Satoshi looked Shoya's way snd saw his arms crossed together tightly and his face tighten up in an glare of hate.

"Huh? Shoya?"

He ran up to him and waved his hand up and down

"Shoya? Hello? Earth to Shoya,"


"Shoya? You okay man?"

"Uh, yep! Just swell, all is well, so yep, I'm very ok!"

Satoshi tilted his head to the side in confusion as Shoya's smile, turned to a worried one.

"Alright, just checking on ya, thought something triggered you,"

"What? No, don't be ridiculous! I'm fine!💦///////" 

"True, Shoya did seem bothered when you won that stuffed plushie for Shoko...." Satoshi recalled. Then it was Miyoko's turn to speak. "Then we got the Ferris Wheel restriction,"

"I don't want you going on that Ferris Wheel. Ever."


"Why not? She's my best friend, and I think it's time we caught up and---"

"NO! Shoko is to never go on that ride unless I go along too, got it?"

"I wonder why Ya-sho is so protective of her," then after a while of thinking, Satoshi smirks along with Tomohiro and both Miki and Miyoko cover their mouths in surprise.


Shoko and Shoya are walking down the street that leads to Shoko's home. Nothing is so far said between the two, only one looking at the other embarrassed. Then Shoya finally breaks off the silence, "So, uh, I heard that a special day is coming up, huh?" Shoko looks at Shoya surprised and then nods yes. "Well, uh, what's the occasion?" He lied. He knew what it was, but didn't want Shoko to get suspicious about it. She smiled and sigh languaged, "June 7th, is my birthday," he smiled, "Your birthday? Oh wow, so you'll be catching onto me pretty soon!" She giggled adorably as she smiled, "I guess so," then the two laugh happily for a while before Shoko stops to tell him something exciting. "Huh? Sorry," she sigh languages it's okay and then continues, "Would.....you like to come?" Shoya's face lids up real quick as he feels his heart face rapid again. "R-Really? B-But why me?" Shoko smiled at him warmly and then said, "Because I want to celebrate together with you, you're just as important to me as everyone else is," then Shoya relaxes a little more, only the both of them blush and jump up a little in surprise to watch she said. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be awkward! you don't have to come if you don't want to!" "Actually," she looks up at him curiously. "I'd love to celebrate with you too, it'd be fun for one thing," then they both hug each other tightly before letting go. Shoko waves goodbye to him and sigh languages, "See you later" he sighs it back at her as she giggles and runs ahead to her front door. Only to discover her mother standing there in complete shock, with Yuzuru staring shocked at them, blushing a little. "Mother!" Shoko exclaimed in surprise. "Uh, what's going on here?" Yuzuru asked confused while blushing. Then the mother started walking towards Shoya. "Oh dear,"


Flat out hard across the face, she smacks Shoya and then leaves with Shoko and Yuzuru inside the house. Shoko quickly sigh languages, "Sorry about that!" And then Shoya stands alone on the street, looking forward surprised, while still holding the cheek that now burns horribly bad. Right.....her mother scornfully hates me......I should have remembered that.... then as he starts walking home, he asks himself, why does this always happen?

Just when I think I'm getting closer to Shoko,

Something always interferes and makes us......

Farther apart.......will we ever be together?

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