3. Reputation: same, but a little off too:

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When the bell rang, they were heading back to class. They went to their lockers, got their books, and went to their desks, preparing their books for the next subject in class. "Hey Ishida," he turns to his teacher, "You seem different today, everything okay?" "Uh, yeah, I mean 'Hai' sir!" "Are you sure?" "Hai sir," "Hmm...." then he sits down in his sit, as do Shouya. "Alright class, turn to page 64 of your textbooks." Everyone turns to that page as Shouya starts whistling. After a while, the teacher got annoyed by it, "May I help you, Shouya?" He looks up at him, "No," "Then stop whistling..." "Whatever..." he turns his attention back to his book. "Okay class, today, we're gonna talk about gas and---" BUUURRRP! The whole classroom laughs their heads off as the teacher whips his head toward Ishida. "Ishida! Did you bump your head or something!?" Shouya looks around the room, then back at the teacher, "Sorry, was that addressed to me?" "Who else? There's no other Ishida, is there? No..." "Well sorry, but your the one who said gas," "So what!?" "So, if we're talking about gas, we're basically talking about burps and----" "ALRIGHT ISHIDA! Quite a show, but here I shut it down. Back to the textbooks class!" he slammed his left hand multiple times to silence the class. Then after a long while, everyone's attention was back on the textbooks. "Great, now let's read chapter one, any volunteers?" No one but Shouya raised his hand and shouted, "Ooo, me! Me!" Then slammed his book that was hanging in his arm on the desk. A lot of children laughed as he started reading funny inaccurately. "Okay, *ahem*, once upon a time, there was a pink toad and handsome green prince---" "It's green toad and beautiful pink princess! And you missed a line!" The whole class started laughing again as Ishida said, "Opps.....I forgot.....guess I'll just have to read all over from the beginning." Then he starts off again. "Once upon a time, in a far away place, there was a green toad and beautiful pink chick..." every kid was laughing their heads off now as the teacher shot Shouya a hard, cold glare. "You read that story right, right now..." "Okay, sheesh, I forgot this one," "FORGOT!? How can you forget this story!? This must've been at least mentioned to you in Kindergarten or something!" "Oh, I'm sorry teach, I can't remember that far back..." "Read. that. book. now....right....." Shouya then starts for the beginning again, trying to read a little faster than before out of boredom. "Once upon a time, in a far away place, there was a green toad and beautiful pink princess," "Finally," "the princess was a royalty to her parents, King tutt, and Queen Elizabeth of England, Home of the Tea! Slrup Slrup!" Then he makes a couple of slurping noises before falling all the way back in his seat, now the whole classroom was cracking up hysterically. "That's it. OFF TO THE PRINCIPLE'S OFFICE WITH YOU ISHIDA!" "Aww, really?" "Yes really, it seems you can't even read ONE LITTLE STORY RIGHT without getting an audience. GET OUT NOW." "Man. Okay." He gets out of his seat and starts walking toward the door, "See? I'm leaving, totally leaving, you know, I think I'm positive I'll learn my lesson, don't ya think? I'll go think in si---" "SILENTLY...." "Okay, well, you know what? I'm being quiet, see? Zip, click, lock, see?" He motioned zipping his mouth shut while saying that, "I am perfectly being quiet. The quietest mouse in the world, quiet like a---" "LEAVE! NOW!" Ishida then dashes out of the classroom laughing as the whole class's laughter still echoes through the classroom. "Alright, alright, calm down. Nishimiya, would you like to read in place of Ishida?" She nodds before a random jumps up and says, "What!? Her!? But her voice sounds terri---!" "No buts. Go on Ms. Nishimiya, give it a try." He smiles at her. Then she tries to the best of her ability to read. "O-Once...Upon....A
T-T-T....Time? Oh! Time! In a far away place. There l-l-lived....a g-green toad and----" "Okay, stop, please just stop, sir, get another student to read, she's taking too long and her voice!" "Yamamoto, sit, down." He sits down with a frown on his face. "Okay Nishimiya, sorry about that, continue on." "And.....b-b-beu...no....beauti...full? No, beautiful! Beautiful pink princess.
the princess was a royalty to her parents, King.....Motoki....and Queen...Figi? No...Fu...fujii---" "Did someone say mt. Fuji?" "ISHIDA!?," the class starts laughing their heads off again, "Shouldn't you be in the principles office!?" "I was. It by that quick. He just scolded me and gave me this little yellow slip. But eh." Then as the class continues laughing and Shouko staring at everyone confused, and the teacher mad, he takes his seat. "Okay, you may read again Nishimiya..." "Wait, while I was gone. You gave my excellent reading position over. To Shouko?" "A little dramatic there, but yes," he looks at her and then smirks, "Alright ms. Squeaky voice, read on..." "huh?" They all look at him confused. "Are you sure you didn't hit your head?" "Why teach?" "I figured you do something like snatch the book away from Nishimiya and continue reading where you left off." "You mean like this?" He then takes Shouko's book and starts running around the classroom with it as Shouko chases behind him upsetly. "Give her back her book!" Then Shouya slams her book back on her desk and then jumps back in his own seat, putting his feet up, and smiling. "Huh?" Now everyone is really confused. Shouya. Obeying the teacher? Something's up. "Uh, okay....you may continue reading ms.---" "Squeaky voice!" He shouted as the teacher slammed his hands on his desk. Then as the whole class laughs, poor Shouko looks around confused. Then she actually smiles a little and giggles cutely, to the whole class's surprise. "Sil-ly Shouya..." she giggled as the whole class was really, really confused now. Shouya then saw his two friends looking at him, then the whole class. Then after realizing why they were looking at him, he turns away from them the minute he feels his cheeks burn. "Shoot. I meant to do that, but not give it back. And Shouko actually enjoyed it! That's double embarrassing! *sighs* I got my reputation to still stay fine, but honestly, how come when it comes to Shouko, I just can't act nice, or bad? Why is it that when I wanna tease her little, I end up giving my good side up to her? Why is it that when I wanna be nice to her, my rebel side comes out instead and only hides that good side, more and more?" He then thinks more deeply.........the teacher might have been right.......

"What is wrong with me?"

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