17. Silent Feelings - Final:

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Shoya and Shoko are now on the hill, looking out towards the yellowish orange sky. They're both silent for a moment, one too nervous to speak to the other. Then after a while, Shoko starts it off, "Okay Shoya, I'm ready to tell you....." "Huh?" He turns to look at her, "What do you mean? Tell me what?" She blushes slightly and then starts talking while looking outward towards the horizon........

"I've known you for a while now Shoya, I want to say maybe a year, but I'm not too sure. I will be honest, I thought I was being a pest to you at first when we met...." he looks at her surprised. Then memories of her first entering the classroom are shown as she continues. "I remember when I first walked in with my bookbag, just smiling at everyone," she giggled a little, "And then the teacher tapped me to take my notebook out," He then started remembering when she took out her notebook and started flipping the pages one by. "Then when I presented to everyone that I'm deaf, they all looked at me funny. Expect you. You kinda seemed rather interested in me." Shoya's heart couldn't help but pound harder and louder by that last sentence.  "Even though you distanced yourself from me sometimes, I understand that you didn't know me too well, but then decided you wanted to....." She looks at him with her beautiful, shiny, brown eyes. "Now here we are......
Friends at last........however.........what I wanted to tell you is..........I thought this over, and........I don't want to be friends......"

Did I hear right? Or did she just say I don't want to be friends?

Shoya then became a little upset and double checked. "I'm sure," she responded quietly. Shoya felt heartbroken. He didn't really know what to say expect.........maybe he deserved this........maybe he asked for it........he did bully her orginally, so maybe she's still scared of him. Then he was interrupted by her hand pulling his arm closer to her. "Huh? What's wrong Shoko?" She blushes for a while, but then looks at Shoya, trying to be confident. "I don't want to be just friends........" "huh? I'm confused now," shortly then, she slowly pulled him closer until...............

Their lips met and they kissed.

Shoya was surprised at first and embarrassed, blushing like mad and trying to tap Shoko to get off him, but he couldn't do it. How can he brush off a gentle girl like her? Soon enough, he didn't hold back his feelings anymore, he embraced her and kissed back passionately, understanding what she meant now.

I get it now........that's why she was blushing.......that's why we were both nervous.........that's why she said she didn't want to be friends...........She does love me, a lot more than I expected......
and you know what? I proudly and happily accept her feelings back. No matter what people will say, I'll forever be by Shoko's side no matter what........
Never again will I leave her alone.......

Then all of a sudden, a very bright light from the sunrise then flashed, almost clearing up everything. Then after a while, everything was empty and silent...........


"Ugh......wha?"  "AH!" Shoya turned to the side and saw his alarm clock going on. "Ugh.......shut up already, I don't wanna wake up yet......."  then after it kept going on, Shoya finally turned back around groaning and picked it up to see what time it was. "Oh Crap! I'm late!" He jumped out of bed and ran towards his closet. "I'm late, I'm so, so late," he rushed to pull his shirt down his neck and pull his pants up as he ran back and forth about. Then after getting his clothes on, he looks in the mirror, only to be surprised. He was an adult again. He was back to normal. I'm back to normal. I'm actually back to normal! But wait, then does that mean.........
everything that happened was a dream? He thought to himself. He then started to feel down again. But that all felt so real...........the school........
The gang when we were kids................
The Ferris Wheel.........Shoko's birthday party..........and..........

He touched his lips, blushing slightly. That felt the most real..............was it really all a dream? Then he dropped his hand and ran downstairs to  retrieve his school bag. "Sho, you're late," His mother yelled at him. "I know, I know, but I'm leaving now," "Hey! What about breakfast goofball?" "Oh, right," he turns back and grabs his breakfest, eating it on the way out. "Bye mom, bye Sis," "Bye Shoya," they both say. Then the mother turns to her. "So, how many more months until the baby's due?" "One more," "Wow, that went by quick! I wish you and Pedro the best of luck on the new kid!" "Thanks mom. I look forward to finally seeing my bundle of joy," she rubbed her belly, smiling at her soon to be born baby inside. Shoya then rushes outside the house, and unexpectedly................meets Shoko......

"S-Shoko!? W-What are you doing here!?" He panicked a little nervously. Shoko smiled and then grabbed his hand, which made him jump a little. "Sh.......Shoko?" He asked softly, his eyes on her now confused. She just kept smiling while blushing. "I kinda wanted to want to walk to school today with you," Shoya's heart started pounding. "A-Are you sure? I can meet you there," she nodded. "Besides, we kinda are closer than friends, right?" Now he frooze. His went more red and heart kept racing in excitement. "Um, I guess, I mean----!.............When do you think we became closer?" Shoko thought for a moment, then turned back to Shoya. "Remember when we were children?  At my 7th birthday party? We went to a little hill to talk," Shoya did remember that. "That's when I finally gathered the courage to tell you how I feel, and, by the way you kissed me back, I think you accepted them back." Shoya's eyes went wide. So.......
Then that means............

He looks at her blushing. Her sweet, innocent smile then causes Shoya to smile back. "Of course, now I remember......" "I'm glad you do," they both then hold onto each other's hands loosely, but tight enough to keep each other close. "Let's go Shoko," she nods and the two walk forward, smiling, blushing, and most of all happy. I did it, he thought, I finally erased my past mistakes, my past regrets, my past shame, my past pain. I got a second chance somehow, and replaced it with something I would be happier with. Something she would be happier with.

Now we're finally in love,
Now we're finally together............


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