16. Song and Cake:

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Everyone was rushing to the birthday table, where the cake, and then all took a seat. Shoya was just slowly walking over to the table, hoping with all of his heart that this won't end in a disaster. Let's hope not. Oh my God......
I know I shouldn't worry since it's just singing and eating cake, but with everything that's happened so far, I'm kinda afraid for what's next........
Shoko and everybody then waited for Mrs. Nishimiya to come with the candle lighter to light the candles.

Phase Two: Song and Cake:

Team Shippers:

advantage - Since Shoko's fairly close enough to Shoya in their relationship, and because Shoya's birthday was yesterday, Shoko might invite Shoya in to blow the candles, and who knows? He might sing to her too,

Team Sinkers:

Advantage - Shoya's also been known to be greedy for food since, well, a long while now, so he might blow out her candles first, and then claim her cake his. However, if that fails, there's always the song. If he's too embarrassed to sing it in front of the crowd, he won't sing to her at all.....

"Alright. Everyone here?" "Yes..." "Okay then, Shoko, come here," Shoko then goes to sit in the chair where her birthday cake is and watches her mother ignite the candle. "Okay everyone, all together now," "Ha---" "Wait!" Shoko squeaked as everybody stopped to look at her. "Whatever is the matter now Shoko?" Her mother asked a little inpatient. Shoko blushes a little before saying, "Can I have Shoya up here with me?" Everyone then gasps and looks at Shoya surprised. Then Team Shippers smirk and all go, "Oooooooo" then they laugh their heads off as a blushing Shoya approached her. Then she smiled and took his hand. He looked down at it, then looked back at Shoko.
I get it now, he started to realize, even if you guys were teasing me about it, I finally understand what you were trying to tell me this whole time. I do love Shoko, more than a friend. I want to protect her. I want to be by her side. I want her. I need her. And she needs me. Then he was asked by Hinata to sing to Shoko, to which he blushed even brighter and tried to reject it. "Please Shoya? It would be cute...." "No Hinata," "Please? I think Shoko wants you to," she then pointed to Shoko, who looked at him with the puppy eyes. "S-Sho---" he then stopped and after a while of watching her with big, cute eyes, he then gave in. "WHAT!? No! Listen, how about we all sing the song?" Ueno looked furious. "Besides, how do we know this boy can sing?" Mrs. Nishimiya questioned. "Guess there's one way to find out," he confidently said to the two. He then took a deep breathe in, and deep breathe out.

🎶Happy Birthday to you.....🎶

Everyone was surprised by Shoya's voice. He sounded like an angel!

🎶Happy Birthday to you.........
    Happy Birthday dear Shoko......🎶

Everyone's faces widen more by Shoya's beautiful voice, and catchy pitches.

🎶Happy Birthday...........
    Oh, Happy Birthday, to you......🎶

Everyone stared in complete Awe and amazement before applauding loudly. Then Shoko smiled at him and hugged him. He felt his heart flutter and then hugged her back with passion. "Alright Shoya, thank you, now let's blow out the cake," "Okay," Shoko then turned to Shoya. She started sigh languaging him again. "Huh? You want me to blow them out with you?" "Oh come on, Shoko's old enough to do it! Let her do it single!" "Ueno, please," Hinata snapped at her, "Just shut up and let her be," Ueno glared intensely as she started mumbling something under her breathe scornfully. Shoya then thought for a momment, and decided that he'll do it. "Ready?" She nodded her head. Then the two closed their eyes, made their wishes, and blew out the candles together. Everyone clapped very loudly for a while before Mrs. Nishimiya then started handing out the pieces of cake.

🎉🌟Victory point goes to Team Shippers! 💘 Again!

She then felt something tug on her sleeve. She looks down to see Shoko. "What's wrong?" Shoko points to Shoya and then starts sigh languaging to her. "You.........want to talk to him?" She nodded her head, "Where?" She pointed to a beautiful hill near by that had a gorgeous view for a sunset. "Why that far?" Shoko blushed and then sigh languaged her weakly. "It's that important?" She nodded her head. "You're coming back, right?" She nodded again. "*sigh*.......Alright, but be back here in an hour, got it? The sunset's about to begin...." she then smiled and thanked her mother.

"Shoya?" He looked at her, "Can I talk to you alone?" Shoya gulped. Alone!? Why alone!? "Uh, where will we be talking?" She smiled and pointed to the hill she told her mom about. "There!? B-B-But isn't that a bit far away!?" She shook her head "No", making Shoya blush intensely. He then sighed and took Shoko's hand, embarrassing her a little bit. "Shall we go then?" She then nods "Yes" while smiling warmly. The two walk together towards the hill, smiling, while everyone says behind at the table, eating the birthday cake. Tomohiro then turns around and sees Shoya and Shoko. He waited for Mrs. Nishimiya to leave before shouting, "Hey you guys!" They all turned their  attention to him. "What is it Fatso?" "Thanks Yuzuru," he mumbled, then got back on track, "Anyway, it's Ya-sho and Shoko, look," he points to them, everyone now looking at Shoko and Shoya walk away to the hill. "What? Are they seriously walking out on us again?" Satoshi asked a little disappointed. "Wait, no," Hinata looks more carefully, the first person to notice that they were holding hands. Then she smiled joyfully. "Awww, I think I get it," "Huh?" Everyone looks at her confused. "What are they doing then? Tell me." Ueno demanded. "Calm down Ueno, Team Shippers won this fair and square, you can tell," Ueno's face changes then to concern as she looks at Shoko and Shoya. "Wait, does that mean?" Team Shippers then Smile as Hinata says,

"It's time,"

One more Chapter! 😁🎉🎊

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