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I walked down the hall, making my way to my mother's office. I was in the headquarter building of my family's fashion industry- Exquisitely Exotic- which was located in Paris, France.

My mother's husband had called me, claimed he needed to talk to me. I wanted to do more than just talk.

I wanted to fuck him senseless.

Yes, he was my mother's husband, but in all fairness he could be her son for fuck's sake! When they first started their 'relationship' he was twenty five and she was forty five- which was only two years ago. I was twenty years old at the time. Her husband is five years older than me, and twenty years younger than her. How appalling.

They got married five months after publicizing their relationship- but personally I believe they've been together longer than they say. And I've had the hots for him since I first laid eyes on him.

You must be wondering where the hell are my parents. Well, my father passed a long time ago- since I was twelve. And my mother has recently passed, only seven months ago. They both died from natural causes. My father from Alzheimer's; my mother from bone cancer.

Honestly, I never liked my mother, nor did she like or care for me. She just had me because my father yearned for a child, and she's seen me as nothing but an obstacle since my birth. My father was all I had until I lost him. Now all I have is myself, and I'm quite fine with that.

Anyways, I finally got to the office that was once my father's, then my mother's, and now my stepfather's.

"Hello Damien," I greeted him as I walked in and took a seat in front of his desk.

"Hello Bea," he replied in his low, husky voice. Gawd.

I sat there and took in his physique. His golden, shoulder-length hair was as curly and vibrant as ever. His thick eyebrows and long lashes looking perfect along with his thin pink lips and sharp jaw line. I stared at his gorgeous olive green eyes that shone magnificently against his tanned skin. But I also noticed the newly formed bags and dark circles around his eyes.

"I assume you know why I've called you here," he continued.

"I have an idea... though I wish it was something else," I mumbled but made sure he heard me.

"You have to take your part in the company Bea, especially now that your mother has passed."

"Why do you need me? She left the company all in your hands, completely ignoring the fact that this company belonged to my father."

"She left me in charge because she knew you weren't mature enough to take on this huge task by yourself."

"I'm not mature enough? And you are? You're only twenty seven. And I consider myself very mature, after all I've been taking care of myself for the past decade. Jonviére hasn't been a mother to me," I spat her name icily.

"Don't talk about your mother like that Beatrix," he sighed in frustration. "She's dead, be a little less callous."

"That hag being gone doesn't faze me in the slightest. She's incapable of love. She didn't truly love my father, she never loved me, and she didn't love you. That's the truth."

"I'm positive thats not true. Why must you be so hostile when it comes to your mother?"

"You know it's true Damien. Do you know why my mother married you so quickly, or why she married you at all? My mother is a gold digger, she loves sugar daddies with a whole lot of money and fame. My father was twice her age. But do you know why she married a man almost half her age?" I asked him.

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