Ten (Flora & Raul)

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Third Person POV

It went perfect. The business dinner with Damien went exceptional, and everything was being finalised. The original plan was to send Flora to New York City to manage the branch there, but she pitched the idea of going there as just an E.E agent, and secretly find out what was going on. It took a lot of convincing but eventually Damien realised that it was the smartest way to uncover everything.

Two days later she was transferred to the new branch and has been there for two months. She has gathered tons of information and have been in constant contact with the head office offering new findings.


Raul Cotez was at his loft after leaving the office. He was suppose to have a meeting with one of his... clients. Sonya Linsey. Girlfriend of James Cowley, the CEO of Cowley Inc. Sonya is an unfaithful wench, but knows not to get clingy or expose their sexual relations.

Sonya finally arrived and he invited her in as per usual. From the anxious look on her face he could tell that she had something on her mind.

"What is it Sonya?" His strong, deep voice asked, only half interested.

"James proposed to me," she said immediately.

"Did he now?"

Raul was glad to hear that James decided to tie the knot, but pitiful that it was with such a female as Sonya. Plus this meant he'd lose his play thing.

"He did. And of course I said yes," Sonya responded.

"Well congratulations, to the both of you."

"You're not upset that we'll have to cut off our agreement?"

"The agreement was that we cut all activities when either one of us have to fully commit to a relationship, Sonya."

"You're right. It was inevitable," she said and Raul had to agree.

"Goodbye Sonya," he said.

"Goodbye Raul."

And for the first time in six months, those words signified a permanent fair well.


Raul entered the NY Exquisitely Exotic branch where he had decided to buy Sonya a goodbye present. He was truly glad for her and decided to offer an early wedding present- god knows he didn't plan on attending the ceremony. What better gift to offer a woman like Sonya other than clothes and jewelry?

He was wondering around the boutique trying to find a nice dress for Sonya but he was having a warm time. He isn't accustomed to this at all. But help was soon sent his way.

"Good day Sir, you are aware that this is not the isle for male clothing, right? You won't find anything you're interested in here," came the soft feminine voice of one of the agents.

Raul turned around to face the curvy female who, compared to his towering height, seemed ridiculously petite. Raul had to admit to how alluringly exotic she looked with her waist length, pin straight black hair and icy blue- almost grey- eyes.

"I'm well aware of that fact," he said with a smirk. "I'm actually her to purchase something for a lady friend of mine."

"Well in that case, I'm Flora Pierre and I'd be happy to assist you."

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