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I was walking through the halls of the mansion, that I once considered my home, leading Ramon to the bathroom. But I was surprised when he unexpectedly pulled me into one of the guest rooms and pushed me against the wall.

"You look really sexy Bea. I couldn't keep my eyes- or hands- off you," he said, his voice low, and he roughly pressed his lips to mine.

And strangely enough, I felt slightly... violated.

I pushed him back and glared at him.

"Are you serious? You do realize this meeting is important to Flora, right? And you pulled me away for this?" I seethed.

"I want you, I want you bad."

He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him, his lower region thrusting towards me in a very suggestive manner. His face lowered to the crook of my neck, leaving a hot trail of kisses along my neck. I moaned softly when his tongue jutted out to lick the soft flesh, and suck down hard. My body was responding so easily to Ramon's teasing and I instantly creamed my panties in anticipation.

His hand snaked up my thighs and under my dress. He rubbed and teased my sensitive bud through my panties, and groped breast with his unoccupied hand. I cried in pleasure as he bit down on my neck harshly.

"You're going to be a good girl and do as I say, ok?" He whispered against my ear, his hot breath fanning against my neck so sensually.

I would have probably melted in that moment from the europhia of this small teasing.... if his words didn't break right through me arousal. I pushed him away from me and looked up at him icily.

"Let's get some things straight boy," I sneered as I grabbed the front of his dress shirt in one hand and pulled him over to the bed.

I pushed him down so that he was sitting and looking up at me.

"You are Flora's play thing, therefore you don't get to tell me what to do for you. You might have took care of my sexual frustration last night, but don't get it twisted. You don't call the shots here. Only I get to do that, so get it right. You pleasure me when I want you to, not when you feel like it, and you most definitely don't play dominant with me."

Only Flora and Damien- if he's into that- get to do that to me.

"Did I make myself clear to you son?" I asked.

"Yes mommy," he replied.

Oh. He's into mommy kink. No wonder he likes older women.

"That's right, I'm your mommy. And I'm very disappointed in your earlier behavior," I said with a smirk.

"I'm sorry."

"I know you are sweet baby. But you can redeem yourself."

I'm going to have so much fun with this. I'm not usually into being the more dominant person in the bedroom, but I'm actually enjoying it in this scenario.

I ran my hand over his shoulder, up the back of his neck till I settled on his head. I gripped a fist full of his hair and yanked his head back to look at me.

"Anything," he said.

Good. I leaned down and gave him a punishing kiss while gripping his hair tighter. I pulled him up slowly to his feet and we switched positions. He fell on his knees in front of me and I laid back on the bed, allowing him to slide my panties down my legs. Once I kicked them off, he hooked my right leg over his shoulder and dipped down to my heated, wet flesh between my thighs.

He lapped and sucked me vigorously, and my hands gripped his hair as hard as they could. He nipped and teased my folds before thrusting his tongue into me. I cried out his name and demanded more. And was he ever a good, compliant boy. Gawd, he delivered.

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