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His hands wrapped around my arms and roughly yanked me to him- slamming our chests together.

"Is this what you want Beatrix?" He asked as he trailed one hand up my thigh and under my sundress. "Do you want me to grab you and shake you, and manhandle you?"

"It seems like the only way for me to get your attention is to rile you up. And as you can see... I want your attention."

My hand moved up his thigh and trailed over his erect member.

"And it's pretty obvious that at least one part of you wants my attention," I added.

He groaned when I squeezed him gently in my palm. His hand that gripped my arm moved over to close the partition between us and the driver, as the one under my dress gripped the brim of my panties. He practically ripped them down my legs as I made quick work with unfastening his pants.

He hoisted me effortlessly onto his lap and I straddled him.

"Do you know what you're getting yourself into Beatrix?"

"Why don't you tell me?" I asked seductively as I grinded on him.

"You're mine. No one else's. Do you understand?" He said slowly and seriously.

"Make me yours then."

He positioned himself at my entrance, before entering me with one smooth thrust. I cried out at the sudden pain and incredible pleasure.

"Shh. Not so loud," he cooed in my ear.

"I'm a screamer," I said with a smirk.

I slowly rocked on him back and forth, my walls tightening around him, exciting a groan from his lips. He gripped my hips tightly, guiding me as we followed each others rhythm. I lifted myself up before slowly coming back down. We moved slowly, giving me time to adjust to his size. He was really big, it was almost too painful to take all of him.

After a few minutes of this, our speed gradually picked up. I grinded on him faster, my hips hitting his so tentatively. My hands gripped his shoulders as I pushed myself up and down on his shaft. He met me halfway each time as he thrust into me harder and harder.

With every stroke he hit a spot that had my toes curling and stomach clenching. The sounds of my wetness on his shaft, and our skin hitting each other filled the space- making the mood even more erotic. Our heavy breaths mixed as our foreheads pressed together.

He captured my lips with his, kissing me deeply and passionately. His lush, warm lips soon left mine and strayed down to my neck. A hot, wet trail left in it's wake. His large rough hands left my hips to grope my ass and cup my breast. I was so thankful that I had decided on not wearing a bra today, so the only thing seperating my bare breast from his grasp was the thin material of my sundress.

But Damien quickly eliminated that barrier. He pulled the thin straps of my sundress down my shoulders, exposing my breasts to his scrutiny. His lips skimmed over my collar bone and chest plate, before coming in contact with the round mound of my breast. He sucked the nipple into his warm mouth, and I cried out in pleasure.

His mouth suckling on my nipple, along with his hands groping my ass, and his thick cock rocking in me, was almost too much. Too much pleasure for my body to handle.

A thin layer of sweat collected our skin. Our movements fast and in sync. Our breathing hard and heavy. His dick twitched inside me. My walls contracted around him. He hit deeper and I screamed louder. His hands found my hips and gripped tighter. My nails bit harder into his shoulders.

My hips bucked and my muscles tightened. He slammed me down onto his shaft harder. My climaxed built up- the feeling almost painful. I ached for release. Gawd, how I anticipated the sexual relief.

And then- with one more deep thrust- it came. It came full force, hitting me so damn hard. My body trembled noticeably and my breaths became shaky. I've never felt this before. So strong. So overwhelming. So intense.

And not long after, Damien filled me with his hot thick come. Scorching my insides with his seed.




Hello lovelies!

I haven't updated in a while, I know and I'm sorry babies. I'm having some technical difficulties. Don't worry, I won't go into the boring details, but I probably won't be able to update for a while.

Anyways, if you enjoyed, please remember to





Bye lovelies


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