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We slumped in a limp heap of heated limbs, as we attempt to recover from our orgasms. After a little while, I slowly lifted myself off Damien's lap. I retrieved a couple napkins and wet wipes from my purse, and Damien took the liberty of cleaning us up. The silence between us was awkward and the tension was fucking thick.

This is what I always hated about sex– the awkward aftermath. And then there's the question that every guys asks after having sex bare.

"Bea—" he started, but I cut him off.

"Yes Damien, you're safe. I had an IUD installed a long time ago, don't worry," I assured.

"Um... that's not what I was going to ask you."

I looked up at him to see if he was serious.

"Women that are as bold as you are when it comes to sex are usually on birth control," he explained. "Plus I'd like to believe that you're responsible enough to take proper precautions."

He is so strange. So different.

Most guys would just want to make sure that they don't have to worry about having a child.

"Then what did you want to know?" I finally asked.

"I wanted to ask you if you know what this signifies? You giving yourself to me, I mean."

I didn't respond. He's the first person to ask me something like that. How was I suppose to react?

"It means that you're mine. Your body is mine to do as I please, when I please. You know that right?"

"That's what I've been waiting to hear you say since the moment I laid eyes on you." 


It wasn't long before the car stopped at Flora's work place. They dropped me off, then left.

"Flora, I've got great news," I said walking into her office.

"Is that so? I'm buzzing with excitement," she said with a hint of sarcasm.

"I, your sexy French goddess, have organised a meeting for you with Damien Summers."

"What?" Her head snapped up to look at me.

"He wants to speak to you about a very generous job promotion."

"Oh my God!" She squealed, jumping up from her seat.

"You can thank me after dinner at the estate tonight."

"Oh God. I can't believe this. What are the conditions?"

"I'm not entirely briefed on that, but I do know that you'd be relocated to New York. And I know you've been wanting to go back to America. It's the perfect opportunity."

"This really means a lot to me Bea bae. I honestly don't know how to thank you."

"No need. You're my best friend Flora, I'll always look out for you. I love you."

"Aww. I love you too," she cooed and pulled me into one of her famous bear hugs.

"Oh, I automatically made this a dinner date. Any chance I get to manipulate Damien into a date, I'm going to take it. So you can bring that Ramon guy if you'd like."

"Yeah, I think I will."


I decided on a dark blue evening dress to wear to the dinner with Damien. It stopped at my ankles, with a slit coming up to mid-thigh on my right leg. It had elbow length sleeves, an open back, and a high neckline. I completed it with dark blue Loui Vuitton heels and a pair of earrings.

Flora and Ramon came by my place and we left together. When we got there we were greeted by Damien.

"You're here, welcome."

He ushered us into the house and we all settled into the living room.

"So Miss Pierre, I'm so delighted that you decided to meet with me," Damien started.

"Of course. When Beatrix informed me, I couldn't possibly pass up this opportunity," Flora responded lightly.

"And I see you've brought a friend."

"Yes this is Ramon. A... close friend of mine."

"Don't you remember Damien? I told you about him," I interrupted with a slight teasing tone.

"You did?" Damien asked confused.

"Yes. He's the guest I told you I had visiting my house last night."

Damien's head snapped over to me and the look in his eyes... was priceless. He looked over at Ramon, and when he spoke, his tone was cold and a bit hostile.

"You're acquainted with Beatrix?" He asked obviously seeking information.

Que eye roll.

"Something along those lines," Ramon said with a smirk— ignorant to the fact that his answer could possibly be him begging for a beating.

Ramon's eyes flickered over to me and gave me a once over— the lust prominent in his eyes as they darkened.

I glanced at Damien, whose lips were pressed in a hard line. His brows drew together, and his eyes zeroed in on Ramon, malicious intentions hidden behind them.

'This is going to get real good, real fast,' I thought.

Until the cook, Agatha, walked in.

"Mr Summers, dinner is finished and ready to be served," she spoke in her ever monotonous voice.

"Great! Let's eat, I'm starved," Flora said, quickly getting to her feet. She was trying to clear the tension between her boss and her fling.

Wordlessly we all walked to the dining room, where the maidservants had set up the table.

I honestly thought Damien would have gotten rid of most of the help when my mother passed— guess I was wrong.

We settled at the table. I was opposite to Damien, and Ramon sat next to me– opposite to Flora.

We were all eating and having light conversation when I felt Ramon's hand on my thigh. I stiffened a little as his hand went under the split of my dress and up my bare thigh. I tried to keep my expression as neutral as possible when his fingers brushed my pussy through my thin, lace panties.

I gripped the table and suppressed a moan as he added a little pressure to my bud. He was about to slip a finger under my panties, but Damien's voice interrupted.

"Is everything alright Bea? You look a little tense," he said.

"I'm fine, thanks," I said and pushed Ramon's hand off my thigh.


We gathered in the sitting room after dinner. We sat there as Flora and Damien spoke about her being transferred to the New York branch.

"Can I use your restroom Damien?" Ramon asked suddenly.

"Yeah sure. I'll just call one of the servants to escort you," Damien said.

"No that's fine. Beatrix can show me. She isn't busy right now and she knows the house better that anyone else."

Before anyone could protest, Ramon grabbed my hand and pulled me out the sitting room.

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