Fourteen (Flora & Raul)

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Flora's POV

I had texted the address of my apartment building to Raul, Mr. CEO, for him to escort me to the club he had mentioned. For my outfit I had decided to go a little bit edgy with a sleeveless mini dress, made of shine bright red leather. I admired the way it clung snugly to my curves like a second skin, and could already imagine how my American date would gaze down at exposed bosom from the plunging V neckline. I caught my hair in a tight ponytail at the top of my head, and black stilettos finished the look. I only had just enough time to grab my purse when the sound of my apartment buzzer could be heard.

"You've arrived," I spoke into the intercom as a smirk curved its way onto my lips.

"Are you going to buzz me in Flora?" 

The way he said my name in that slow sexy drawl was oh so erotic, it literally had me shivering in anticipation.

"And let a near stranger into my home? No dear, I'll make my way down."

I briskly make my way to the elevator and then out the building, to my waiting Adonis. And there he stood, next to his sleek sports car nearly the same shade as his navy blue eyes. Dapper in a light grey dress shirt and nicely fitted trousers of the same colour. He looked over at me, drinking in everything I had on display for him.

"You look as appealing as I remembered," he offered in greeting.

"And you look every bit as fuckable as I remembered," I replied suggestively.

"And I see your mouth still has no filter," he frowned playfully. "Let's go."

"Mmm, yes boss."


The club— Mystique— was packed with smartly dressed clubbers, obviously of high caliber social lives, but they knew how to wild out never the less. From the overly sexual acts taking place in several small groups, there was no doubt that some of these people had the intention of freaking it up tonight. Wordlessly, Raul led me to a more secluded area of the lively club, where several others already lounged about, enjoying their drinks. He introduced me to them— mostly friends or acquaintances from work. We sat and had a few drinks, engaging in conversations with a few, which was surprisingly pleasant considering I didn't know any of these people.

Of course that was until a new female joined the circle and as soon as her eyes zeroed in on me sitting next to Raul, her aura immediately turned vile.

"So Raul, who is your friend?" She asked seemingly conversational, but I know a bitter female when I see one.

"Hello Sonya, it's good to see you. This is my date, Flora. Flora, this is Sonya, a friend."

Sonya's hard gaze leveled with mine in a cold stare.

"Date?" She scoffed. "Flavor of the month you mean?"

My brow raised lazily at that remark. From that comment I could decipher that there had been more to her and Raul's relationship than 'just friends'. Now she's pissy because it obviously ended. I couldn't help but to laugh at it all.

"What's so funny?" Sonya sneered.

"What's funny is that you have no idea who you're picking an argument with. So I'd suggest you keep your pettiness in check because it's not complimenting you in any way."

At that, little miss Sonya looked like she was on the verge of bursting into angry flames.

"Do you know who I am? How dare you insult me, you low life whore?"

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