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"Well isn't this an unexpected surprise?" A very familiar and unwelcome voice sneered.

Damien and I sprang apart to see Mrs. Dallas. One of our board members and Jonviére's biggest gossip baby. One that has wanted the pleasure of Damien's body since she's know him. Ultimately, a very big problem.


Bea's POV

"Mrs. Dallas," I squeaked, pulling back from Damien as he straightened himself. "Hello, didn't expect to see you here."

"I bet you didn't," she all but snarled as she looked down on me. I raised a challenging brow at that.

"Good evening Mrs. Dallas, lovely as always to see you," Damien quickly interjected politely.

"I'm quite disappointed Damien," she pouted sulkily. "To think that Jonviére hasn't even been deceased for a year, and you're already ripping sheets with her spoilt brat."

"Would you rather it be you, old bat?" I spat at her.

"Oh dear child, best you watch that overused mouth of yours. God knows it's only useful in the bedroom."

I was a split second away from attacking the old faced hag, but luckily for her, Damien once again sought to delay the pending murder.

"Was there something you needed Mrs. Dallas?"

"Well I was enjoying dinner with my daughter; you remember Ester, right? Yes, we had attended an art exhibit earlier and stopped here for a bite to eat, then my eyes caught you entering with this little girl. I had initially intended to just watch you from afar, but I was so appalled, I just had to make my presence known."

I was about to have a go at her for that last comment but Damien wouldn't allow it.

"Oh, alright then. Thank you for chatting with us but we wouldn't want to keep you from Ester for too long. Send greetings from us to her please."

"Dismissing me so soon? I bet if I brought this up to the board they wouldn't be dismissing me."

Damien's features turned ashen.

"I would appreciate it if you don't mention what you've seen here to anyone. You must understand that this wouldn't be favourable information at a time like this."

"Mhmm, I do understand that love. And you know I like you too much to put you in a compromising situation," she cooed flirtatiously, which caused me to roll my eyes.

I could practically see the kegs turning in her mind as she conjured up some evil plan in her head.

"And to assure my utmost confidentiality, please come to my hotel suite tonight. Room #291 at 10 pm, and please don't be late."

And with that she strutted away victoriously. I sat there, mouth agap and eyes blinking rapidly. Damien wore a stoney expression, and just the thought of Mrs. Dallas' smug smirk caused me to lose my appetite completely.

Damien and I quickly left to our suite after that– desperate to be away from the leering gaze of that cougar. When we got to the room we sat on the sofa together in silence.

"You're not actually thinking of going are you?" I asked, breaking the silence then immediately wishing I hadn't.

"You know that she'll tell the board everything, don't you?"

"Then let her. They'll have to know eventually."

"Preferably later rather than sooner." Was his rebuttal.

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