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I was woken up by the rays of the sun that streamed through the large glass windows in my bedroom. the comforter on the bed wrapped around my naked body as I stirred slightly. I fell asleep with Flora and Ramon, but I'm in the bed by myself now. I slowly- and very reluctantly- got out of bed and headed to my bathroom. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and hair, then pulled on my robe. I left my room and headed to the kitchen, to find Flora there making breakfast. In nothing but her underwear.

"Morning, my sexy French goddess," she smirked.

"Morning. Where's Ramon?" I asked stealing a strip of bacon from a plate on the kitchen island.

"I sent him home. Besides, he's got a class soon."

Good. I don't like waking up with my night's conquest- it can get awkward.

"So what are you doing for the rest of the day?" Flora asked me.

"Well I'm having lunch at Bon Appetite at 1, and I expect Damien to be there. So depending on how things play out, I'm going to finally fuck my 'stepfather' ," I told her.

"Ooh, you're too bad. Too bad," she laughed.

"Don't you know it. And last night was amazing by the way. It's been a while since you and I rekindled what we use to do in college," I smirked taking a seat at the island.

"I know. I missed fucking you, my sexy French goddess."

She turned off the stove and walked over to me. I looked up at her and she pressed her lips to mine. She sucked my lip and I gripped her bare hips. I moved on of my hands to rub her clit through her panties. She moaned into my mouth and gripped my hair tightly. Her free hand caressed my thigh and journeyed beneath my robe to my naked pussy.

She rubbed my sensitive bud of nerves vigorously, causing me to release numerous moans and profanities.

This is what I like about Flora- she's always the dominant one. She's into the whole BDSM shit. It's not really my cup of tea, but it can be very exciting. Besides, I love fucking with her. She's still waiting on that one guy though. The one guy that can handle her the right way- turn her to the submissive one.

"You're so wet Bea. I need to take care of you," she said in her smooth sultry voice.

"Yes please," I begged her.

She smirked and took my hand. She walked me out of the kitchen and back into the bedroom. I slipped my robe off my shoulders and walked over to the bed. Flora stood by the bed and stripped off her undergarments, before crawling into the bed- hovering over me.

She nipped my lip playfully- tauntingly. Wet open mouth kisses were left down my jawline and neck as she traveled down to my breasts. She took one of my sensitive, taut nipples into her warm mouth.

"Aah," my soft sigh was heard in the room.

She sucked and licked around the bud, while her other hand fondled and teased the other. She rolled the nipple around in her mouth, and twirled the other between her fingers.

"Flora." Her name left my lips and she pinched my nipple hard. "Fuck!"

After leaving a soft bite on my nipple, she switched over to the other and took it into her mouth. She sucked and caressed it with her tongue, just like she did the other.

Her free hand trailed slowly down my stomach, to the heated flesh between my thighs. Her finger rolled over my clit and rubbed my folds- applying just the right amount of pressure. I bit down on my lip so hard I almost broke the skin.

She inserted a finger inside of my pulsing core, before sliding it out, only to repeat the same tortuous pattern again. I groaned in frustration. She was teasing me. I begged her to please me properly and thoroughly.

"Flora. Stop teasing me," I breathed out heavily.

She released my nipple from her mouth and looked me right in the eyes. A small smirk played on her lips, then unexpectedly she thrust two fingers into me.

I cried out and threw my head back against the pillow as her fingers pumped into me mercilessly.

"Don't tell me what to do Bea bae. Apologize," she demanded.

"I'm sorry. So sorry," I whimpered.

"I know you are," she said cynically.

Her fingers pumped harder and I cried out loader. My hips bucked as the tightness built up in my lower stomach. And when I was just about to explode, she removed her fingers. I whined softly from the loss of her fingers.

"Don't pout baby,"she said. "You know I won't leave you hanging."

She slid down until she was resting right between my thighs. She press a lingering Kiss on my wet folds. Her tongue came out to lick over my slit, up to my clit. Her lips covered my little bud of nerves as she sucked it softly.

Dear lord, I almost came that instant. She nipped it before releasing. Her tongue flicked my folds agonizingly slow.

"Please Flora. I need to release."

"Mmm," she moaned against my pussy. "As much as I love hearing you beg me- and I love giving you what you want even more- I don't want you to come."

"What?" I asked beyond confused.

"Don't come until I tell you to," she finished.

She sucked and nipped relentlessly. I moaned and writhed in pleasure. The tightness in my stomach building up and becoming almost impossible to hold back. I was trembling, bucking, squirming and cursing nonstop.

Just when I was about to throw Flora's order right through the window, she said the words.

"You can release now Bea bae."

And that I did. My orgasm came heavy and fast. My body felt like it was literally falling apart. All the tightness immediately left my body and I sagged down on the bed.

Flora rose up to look at me as I tried to contain myself. Her lips glistened with my juices as she gazed down at me.

"You are amazing," I told her heavily.

"And you taste amazing," she said with a chuckle.

She laughed beside me.

"So remind me of what your plans are again." She said.

"I," I paused to create suspense, "have a lunch date with none other than Damien Summers."


Hello lovelies!

Another update for you my beautifully kinky babies, I hope you liked it. It was a bit out of my league because I'm not use to girlxgirl chappies, but I really hope I did well.

Anyways, if you enjoyed, please remember to





Bye lovelies!


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