Eleven (Flora & Raul)

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Third Person POV

Raul's hands trailed over Flora's smooth thighs, until his fingers hooked under the hem of the short dress. They lingered there on the fabric teasingly, as he nibbled away on her ear. Then finally he slowly unzipped the dress and slid it off her shoulders, then waist, then hips. Bearing in mind that he still planned on purchasing the dress, he carefully threw it on the small sofa beside his suit jacket.

His dark, navy blue eyes met Flora's lustful gaze as he proceeded to suck on her neck. Flora watched him eagerly as she thought of what else he could be sucking on so skillfully. She had to bite down on her bottom lip to conceal her moan when Raul bit down on her neck, before soothing the harsh sting with his warm tongue. His nails dug into her bare hips as he pulled her lower region to his- effectively pressing his erection against her ass.

Her head fell against him as he sucked and nipped her creamy skin.

"I'm going to fuck you Flora, right here," his husky voice breathed in her ear.

She loved how seductive her name sounded in his deep drawl.

"Right here?" She asked eagerly.

"Yes. Against this mirror. And I want you to look at me while I fuck you relentlessly."

Flora was absolutely drenching her panties from Raul's dirty words. She isn't accustomed to playing submissive, but the way he just took charge and refused to give dominance to her was very arousing. His whole demeanor reeked of authority; she just felt the need to comply.

"You're going to scream for me baby," he said, hooking his fingers into her panties and practically tore them apart.

She gasped in disbelief and was about to give him an earful about how expensive her underwear set was. But once she saw the look in his eyes- daring her to argue with him- she held her tongue. Her palms pressed against the mirror to keep her steady, while Raul's hands were busy unbuckling his trousers.

He freed his very erect member from his pants, stroking it a couple times in lustful anticipation. Grabbing a hold of Flora's hip with one hand, he used the other to direct his tip to her soaking slit. He slowly eased the head in, before resting his hand on her other hip. Then meeting Flora's gaze through the mirror, he roughly pulled her back against him, while simultaneously slamming into her.

"FUUCK!" She screamed out at the sudden intrusion, her walls stretching so abruptly around him.

Her eyes closed involuntarily, but Raul soon sought to rectify that. His palm came down heavily on her ass cheek causing her to yelp in shock.

"Eyes open," he growled lowly in her ear as he slammed into her repeatedly.

Her eyes snapped open and she stared at him staring at her. His nails dug deep into her hips as he used them to pull her against him. Her ass slapped against him every time he buried himself deep inside her.

She rested her forehead on the cool surface of the mirror as her breathes came in short, harsh pants- fogging the mirror. Sweat quickly accumulated on her skin, causing her hair to stick against the frame of her head.

Raul only amplified Flora's pleasure with his kisses, dirty talk and occasional spanks. She could feel her orgasm building up, her lower abdomen tightening as she edged closer to her peak.

As she was just about to release, she threw her head back against Raul's shoulder and squeezed her eyes shut. But she had to let out a soft whimper when Raul suddenly grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her head up. He turned her head to face him and her eyes popped open to look at him.

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