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"So remind me of what your plans are again." She said.

"I," I paused to create suspense, "have a lunch date with none other than Damien Summers."


After my lovely session with Flora, we had breakfast and then she had to leave for work. At twelve thirty I left my apartment and started heading towards Bon Appetite to meet Damien. When I arrived at the front desk I gave the lady Damien's name, and I was led to the outside table where he sat.

His eyes instantly caught mine as I walked over to him.

"Good evening Damien. So glad you could make it," I greeted.

"I had to. To clear the air between us," he immediately answered.

I sat down at the table. "Whatever do you mean?"

"Beatrix. What happened yesterday can't be a reoccurring thing. It was a mistake on my part and I should have stopped it. Please tell me you understand Bea," he sounded like he was trying to plead with me.

"There is nothing that I need to understand, but obviously you haven't fully understood what I've said to you."

I paused as the waiter approached us. He took our orders and soon left.

"I want what I want Damien. And I want it when I want it," I contunued. "So why don't you just let us have a nice lunch?"

"You have no idea what you're playing with child," Damien said darkly.

I was slightly taken aback by his tone. I hardly ever hear him talk like this. He normally uses his 'no-joke' voice when someone was trying to fuck around with business. But he's never used it on me before.

I am not one of his clients.

"I know exactly what I'm playing with Damien," I sneered back. "And trust me, I am most definitely not a child. Not in the slightest sense of the word."

He and I stared each other down before the waiter came with our food.

We were eating silently until I decided to make conversation.

"So how's things going with the business?" I asked casually.

"Do you actually care about the welfare of the company?"

"Not really, but it's still rightfully mine, and I guess it's expected of me to check in once in a while."

He sighed, shaking his head.

"Things are fairly well. Running as smooth as ever. Although..." He trailed off.

He looked as though something was bothering him, but he was contemplating whether or not he was suppose to tell me.

"You can tell me Damien. It's not like I'm going to go around yelling confidential information to the world," I said rolling my eyes.

"I wouldn't put it pass you Beatrix. Anyway, one of the branches in New York isn't performing very well. Their sales rate have been falling significantly actually. The board believes there might be some kind of conspiracy going on down there."

"Oh," I said, actually a little shocked by the news.

Nothing like this had ever happened before.

"What do you plan on doing about it?"

"We're kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place at the moment. But we've decided to send someone down there to manage the store. Someone that can actually be trusted, and not fall into the ring of things taking place down there. That or we'll have to shut down the branch."

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