Chapter 1

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The picture above is Deus.

"I'm really sorry!" Said a handsome ikemen while doing a dogeza bow in front of me. It seems that I have died.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Gekko Tenshi, a Japanese highschool student and the School Disciplinary Committee Chairman of my school. I trained hard in any martial arts and any weapon so I could fight back trouble makers but I always pass judgement fairly earning myself the name "Angel of Judgement" derived from my name Tenshi meaning angel. How I died? Well that's simple.

I was walking on my way home when I saw my fellow schoolmates about to be hit by a *drum roll* TRUCK. Yup, the most common cause of death in reincarnation novels, TRUCK-SAN. Because of my pride being the fuuki iinchou, I pushed them away from harm with me being the sacrifice. And that's how I ended up in this white gazebo inside a huge and beautiful flower garden with the most handsome man I've ever seen in my life prostating in front me.

"U-Um, who are you?"[Tenshi]

"I am God. But call me Deus."[Deus]

I see. His name is the Latin word for God. That doesn't matter did he just call himself God!!! Upon seeing my bewilderment, he stood up properly and confirmed his identity.

"Yes. I am God. But like I said call me Deus. Deus, the One True God and the God of Creation." [Deus]

"So why are you saying sorry to me?"[Tenshi]

"T-That's because..."[Deus]

He hesitated in front of me. He's totally different from what I imagine. Instead of being some haughty old geezer, he's a kind and laid-back ikemen. As if sensing my thoughts, he turned to ne with a glare.

"Did you just think something rude about me?"[Deus]

"No! Definitely not! Or rather, can't you read my mind?"[Tenshi]

"Well, I already killed you by accident so its only fair that I won't peek in your mind."[Deus]

"Killed me by accident?"[Tenshi]

"The truck was supposed to slam into a burglar near you for divine retribution but because of my carelessness, the truck swerved and was about to hit your classmates but you saved them."[Deus]


I died because of God's carelessness! And here I was hoping I died from something serious. This stupid, careless, good-for-nothing ikemen.

"Did you just think something rude about me again?"[Deus]

"Its nothing really!"[Tenshi]

I said as I shivered from Deus-sama's sharp look. Jeez, that was close. Oh well, on to the next question.

"Then why am I here?"[Tenshi]

"Well... I have a favor to ask. Would you like to be reincarnated in another world as my messenger?"[Deus]


"You see, that world, Neah, is a world I am also governing. But instead of being modern with many technology, it has magic."[Deus]


"Yes, magic. It is like the fantasy world you earthlings think about. It has elves, dragons, werebeast and many more. But I have a problem. And that is the religion."[Deus]

"What's wrong with it?"[Tenshi]

"Instead of me being the God, they made their own Gods that doesn't even exist. While I was working hard maintaining the world, they are praying to non-existent gods. I'm truly hurt."[Deus]

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