Chapter 3

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After walking for 5 long hours, I finally saw a small village ahead. The houses are made of stone with roofs made of straw. Overall, its just a simple and quiet village.

Now on to the glaring problem: how do I reveal myself to them? I can't just casually walk in because there are chances of hostility. I guess I'll have to lie again. Mmh, I'll just say that I'm a merchant. But I don't have any goods. If I can only have something rare like diamonds... that's right! Maybe I can create one with magic. I clasped my hands together and concentrated my mana into my palms.

'Imagine the carbon atoms bonding, form it into a diamond lattice and heat it with the temperature of 1,200 degree Celsius and pressure equivalent to being buried about 2 miles underground. The quickly cool it off with ice magic.'[Tenshi]

Success. I stared at the diamond as big as an egg in my palm. When I hold it up, it creates a beautiful prism. With this, I'll be able to prove I'm a merchant. I think. I still don't know how this world works. Should I make it into a jewelry? Yeah, let's do that.

When I walked into the village, as expected everyone was staring at me catiously. Deus-sama said thet the language here is English so...

"Hello, everyone. I'm just a travelling merchant. No need to get hostile."[Tenshi]

I greeted them with a fake smile but it only made them more cautious. One of them even snorted.

"What merchant are you talking about, little girl? You don't even have any cargo!"

He ridiculed and the crowd started whispering but I still kept my smile.

"What are you talking about? Look I have goods here."[Tenshi]

I said as I pulled out the jewelries I made out of my pocket. In truth I pulled them out of the《Dimensional Pocket》. The crowd was shocked at necklaces, rings, bracelets and earrings all of them encrusted with diamonds and started to get noisy again.

"Is that a diamond?!"

"But I thought diamonds are impossible to cut and refine?"

"Then are those fake?"

"I don't know."

"I can assure you people that these are real. Real diamonds that are carefully cutted and made into jewelries."[Tenshi]

Originally, it will be hard but with my MAX Charm the people easily believed my words. With that, the people started to crowd and question me.

"I'm just a jewelry merchant so I only have these as my goods. Sorry everyone."[Tenshi]

I apologized to them while trying to look guilty. The villagers quickly sympathized with me and said that it was okay.

"Excuse me but can I stay here for a while?"[Tenshi]

"Of course you can, Miss..."[Old man]

"Oh pardon for the late introductions. My name is Gabriel Brynhildr."[Tenshi]

"Miss Brynhildr, my name is Renoma the Village Chief of Darun."[Renoma]

"Thank you Mr. Renoma."[Tenshi]

"Ho ho ho, what a polite girl."[Renoma]

I was led into his house and into a nice, cozy room.

"Thank you for the hospitality. For thanks, please take this."[Tenshi]

I said as I handed him a diamond. His hands trembled as he accepted it and held it preciously like a baby.

"Thank you, Miss!"[Renoma]

"No worries."[Tenshi]

I could care less about the old man but I still flashed him a smile. After he closed the door behind him, I immediately contemplated why did God picked me as his vessel? I'm apathetic so I can't act as the 'holy and innocent angel protecting the world'. Wait. Did Deus-sama picked me because I don't feel anything for the various races? I see. If the angel is kind or valiant, he will probably fight for some stupid justice and thus failing to fulfill his role as an angel. If the angel is cold or cunning, he will probably abuse his power for his own desires. So the best choice is someone who doesn't feel empathy but can still show some degree of kindness and ruthlessness.

So all I have to do is to fulfill my duties and travel the world to see if some people can invoke《Words of God》. But that will be too boring so what goal should I pursue?

Let's not think about it first. Umu, I feel some presence in one of the forest near Darun Village. Let's take a closer look. I activated 《Clairvoyance》and saw several bandits surrounding a campfire. Its already night but I can see just perfectly fine thanks to the skill 《Heightened Senses》 that includes X-ray and night vision. I listened to their conversation and found out that their intending to raid this place after 5 days.

"Ara ara, I guss I have no choice but to kill them, huh."[Tenshi]

I said with a smile that contains no emotion. Moreover, they are planning to capture the women, raped them and sell them as slaves along with the children after they are done.

"I could careless about their lives but the prospect of destroying a woman's chastity and being a slave still bothers me after all. I should destroy this Earth common sense of mine."[Tenshi]

I sighed as I turned to look at the moon. The sky sure is pretty. A scenario like this is pretty rare back in Earth.

"But I guess I should first deal with the rats that are targetting me. What a waste of time. But I think I'll mess with them a bit."[Tenshi]

Ara ara, how fun my adventure would be. I thought, my smile turning a little bloodthirsty.

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