Chapter 16

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House of Claudel, Underground Chambers

In a massive circular room, a gathering or rather, a trial is occuring. Nivea kneeled on the cold stone while the leaders of the organization sat on thrones that encircled her. A few guards and assisstants also stood behind them.

"Nivea Garcia, answer truthfully to our questions. Where are your teammates?"

Nivea didn't answer and just looked at the floor, shadowing her pristine face. Remus, the one who just asked and the mastermind behind the plan, furrowed his eyebrows in irritation at being ignored. The guards behind him already went into position should they be ordered to kill the young elf.

"Not answering, huh? Then next. What caused the change in your body?"


Still silence. A foreboding tension filled the room as the occupants felt the steadily rising magic of Remus.

"You really are a foolish woman, Nivea. You really are useless in everything. It really is a sad thing that your father has to hear the bad news of your death."

"Guards, execute that girl!"


"Foolish? We beg to pardon."


The silent Nivea suddenly spoke up in a conscending tone shocking the audience. But what really surprised them was that it was not Nivea's voice but different voice speaking together in harmony. Childish, calm, angered, excited, every type of voice can be heard from her resulting in a somewhat harmonic but also an unorganized choir.

She slowly lifted her face and everyone can see her dark blue irises glowing with a strange pink flower design.

"Who the hell are you?!"

"Thy evil shall not know. We demand thee to stop this heresy. Or God shall punish thee."

But the man just snorted in amusement at the threat and looked at them arrogantly.

"God? Don't make me laugh. Something like that doesn't exist."

"...We know understand thee depth of evilness. We pray thee you will survive what is coming."

As if on cue, an earthquake shook the room. Signalling the attack.

Above the House of Claudel

"Let's start the attack!"(Michael)

"Hmmm... can't we just sneak in and knock them out?"(Gabriel)

Even though my opinion was perfectly reasonable, my little brother argued that doing a frontal attack would be way more cooler. He's deadset on doing a chuuni entrance. *Sigh* Oh well, who cares anymore?

"Zaphkiel, you know the drill."

"With pleasure."

Index floated in front of him and unravelled itself. Since he already ascertained the layout of the mansion he can easily attack without worrying about hitting someone or something important.

Light converged into a large arrow like structure and shot off into the mansion. He just put enough mana for it to disperse after destroying the ceiling of the room where the trial was being held.

Great. Now everyone is staring at us like some kind of alien. If you don't close your mouths they will catch flies you know?

But this tension is really awkward. I must diffuse it somehow.

"Pardon for the intrusion."

(She's playing the polite character?!)(Michael)

(I thought she will say something fiendish like "Its time to die, you pigs." Or something like that.)(Zaphkiel)

I'm sensing someone talking about me in a bad way. After this, let's hunt them down.

"Its unfortunate but your plans is currently harming the world's balance. We were sent here to stop it so please just surrender."

"Don't mess with us! Everyone, kill them!!!"

An elf whom I presume is the ringleader shouted furiously and started preparing some A-class spell. But he's too slow compared to Zaphkiel's chantless magic.

"Remember you two just knock them out. No killing."

And we shot off into motions. Michael let himself freefall due to gravity while deflecting or cutting any magic and arrows that came his way. Looks like my training with him paid off.

Zaphkiel set up a barrier around the perimeter. After that, he started shooting small beams of lightning that will paralyze you. But looking at him attacking his ex-neighbors with an excited glint in his eyes....

Maybe I should have told him to just use hypnosis spells or binding spells. I really pity those guys with afro hair and charred skin.

For me, I just used mana arrows because it has little damage. But a hundred of them surely hurts. I continuously fired off shots until they can't get up and just layed there limply because their pressure points were hit. Aren't I amazing hitting something like pressure points while up high in the sky.

(Eh?!!! She shot too many arrows that they are completely immobilized!)(Michael)

(Is she planning to torture us after knocking us out then finally kill us?!)(Victims)

(So her polite character was just a cover for her fiendish actions.)(Zaphkiel)

Its that feeling again. It makes me want to kill someone badly.

After only 5 minutes, only the mastermind Remus was left. Everyone else is on the ground covered in burns, paralyzed, knocked out by the handle of a blade or immobilized.

"Its over isn't it?"

As if responding to his words, the elf's anger turned to insanity.

"Don't mock me, bastards! As if defeating me can be that easy!"

He shouted such a thuggish line. Celestial magic suddenly started swirling around him until it covered his entire body. But instead of a soft golden and silver color, it was a tainted black icky gooey stuff.

How did he do it? No choice. I'll have to use Appraisal.

"Unique Skill...《Demonic Conversion》"(Michael)

"Don't tell me..."(Gabriel)

"Your right. He converted the mana to demonic mana or simply called miasma."(Zaphkiel)

"....Michael, you damn flag-raising angel."(Gabriel)

"I'm so sorry!"

The elf- no, monster grew in height until he was a hundred feets tall managing to reach our altitude.

"I'll kill you. I'll tear you apart. I'll make sure not even your bones will remain."

It said while it started to take a disgusting form. Its skin was red and its body looks like a tentacle. And the most horrifying part was the numerous eyes growing in his body. His previous appearance can't be seen anymore in this monster. Even his other friends looked at him horrified.

"How disgusting."(Zaphkiel)

"What do we do?"(Michael)

"Isn't that obvious?"(Gabriel)

I said while I readied my bow. The two followed suit and took their stances. I took a deep breath and resolve is seen in my eyes.

"We'll defeat it."

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