Chapter 9

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I flew to the field while carrying the elf like a potato sack. I think he'll die from embarassment when I tell him I carried him princess-style. I saw the rude brat waving his hands while calling us out. I landed in front of him ignoring his look of awe and made my wings disappear. I laid down the elf gently and the boy shouted again.

"Wh-wh-what was that?! Y-y-you have wings?! And is my friend okay?!" [Boy]

I knocked his head hard which made him crouch and shout out in pain.

"Ow!!!" [Boy]

"Are you trying to get us caught? And your friend is still sleeping so be quiet." [Gabriel]

"Is my friend okay?" [Boy]

"Don't worry. He's just unconscious." [Gabriel]

He sighed in relief and his shoulders sagged.

"Thank goodness." [Boy]

"No need to thank me. But I still have one thing to do before leaving." [Gabriel]

"???" [Boy]

"Nijika(Prism Crystal Bow)." [Gabriel]

I called out my own bow named Nijika and it appeared in my hands. Its sparkling and glittering as usual. The boy was entranced at my weapon.

"Beautiful!" [Boy]

I ignored his compliment and aimed my bow towards the sky at the direction of the slave trader's store.

'Should I just shoot simply? But this is my first time using Nijika so I guess I should make it flashy. And I don't want to hear Deus-sama complain later saying that my attack is too plain. I'll just endure the shame later.' [Gabriel]

I prepared myself and spoke the forbidden chuunibyou words.

"The time for judgment come.
For those who sinned and broke the rule.
You cannot escape the onslaught of my arrow!
O God, be thy witness!"

A huge arrow made of elemental magic formed and I prepared to release the string. A golden aura formed around me.

"Elementum Sagitta (Strongest Arrow of God)!" [Gabriel]

The arrow was released and it flew off in the speed of Mach 2 with a shockwave following after it. After a moment of silence, a rainbow explosion occured and shoned brightly. No words can describe it besides being a divine wrath from the heavens.

Elementum Sagitta(Strongest Arrow of God) is just a basic Shooting skill packed with elemental magic. Using my Magic Control, I condensed the magic to form an arrow but because of being condensed it didn't result in a penetrating shot but an explosion.

'Or rather, didn't I put too much magic in it? I have to reevaluate my calculations again.' [Gabriel]

"Wha-" [Boy and Elf]

I turned behind me and saw that both of them were staring at me with wide eyes and gaping jaws.

"Oh you already woke up, elf?" [Gabriel]

"WHAT THE HELL?!!!" [Boy and Elf]

The loud noise hurts my ears! I guess this is a demerit of enhanced senses. I lokkes at them with annoyance but my stoic expression still doesn't change.

"You people sure are noisy." [Gabriel]

"What's with that reaction?! Looking at us like were idiots! Were feeling small because of your aura, you know?!" [Boy]

"Forgetting about that, what is that attack? I think its on a level of a divine wrath." [Elf]

I was about to lie to them when the elf cut me off.

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