Chapter 5

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Title: The Duke's daughter is a- !

Soleileo is such a nice place, isn't it~ But its so hot in here that I'm about to melt.

I was just walking around enjoying the sights when my extra sensitive ears caught someone crying.


Let's see~ I think its coming from my left. When I walked into that direction, it seems to be a park. But there's no people visiting at all. After a bit of searching, I finally found the source of crying.

A 15 year old beautiful girl wearing an expensive-looking dress. Flowing orange hair and ruby red eyes. Flawless white skin like snow and a really pretty face. Well proportioned body. Yup, definitely a bishoujo, a noble at that. And no, I'm not a pervert I'm just describing the girl.

 And no, I'm not a pervert I'm just describing the girl

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Tears was sliding down her face as she gripped a rose.

"What's wrong young lady?"[Gabriel]

She was startled at my voice and looked at me with caution. She wiped her tears and tried to look intimidatingly. But she failed miserably with her reddish eyes.

"This is private property so what are you doing here?"[Noble girl]

"Its my first time here so I got lost but I heard you crying so I went to take a look."[Gabriel]

I was only saying the half-truth but she believed it anyway. Pampered girls sure are gullible.

"Oh pardon me. The name is Gabriel, a travelling merchant."[Gabriel]

"And my name is Taira V. Soleileo, the daughter of Duke Soleileo. And please esxcuse my current state."[Taira]

The noble girl, now identified as Taira, bowed towards me with a sincere apology.

'She's a noble but she's pretty nice. There's not even a trace of haughtiness or arrogance on her. I guess I shouldn't judge to quickly.'[Gabriel]

"And so, why are you crying?"[Gabriel]

It seems that my casual attitude and concern surprised her but she still didn't let her guard down.

"It isn't your problem. And if you are trying to get friendly me just to get power, I assure you I am not falling for it."[Taira]

"If someone sees a beautiful girl like you crying then they will obviously try to comfort her. And besides, I'm pretty sure I don't need a measly power of a duke."[Gabriel]

'This formal and arrogant speech is killing me.'[Gabriel]

".... You, your not obviously a simple merchant."[Taira]

"That's something for me to know and for you to find out. So will you finally tell me why you are crying?"[Gabriel]

"I guess I could."[Taira]

She then began to narrate her story with a solemn face.

"You see... I'm weak. Due to my weakness, my father always get oppressed by the other families saying how much of a failure am I for a duke's house. My relatives say that I should be abandoned saying I've brought shame to the household and he should just get a new wife to get a new heir."[Taira]

"I assume that your mother died giving birth to you."[Gabriel]

"Yes. But I really love my father I want to help him but..."[Taira]

"So the problem is power, huh?"[Gabriel]

Taira became silent at that

"So why are you crying?"[Gabriel]


She looked at me with a dumbfounded face. She surely must be thinking 'what's with that reaction?! After I said my tear jerking story!'.

"What's with that face? I am pretty sure that people don't cry to get stronger."[Gabriel]


I just sighed at her lack of response and started picking flowers to make her a flower crown. She looked at my actions with a curious face.

"'I'm making a flower crown."[Gabriel]

"Flower crown?"[Taira]

So flower crowns doesn't exist here. I think the level of feminity just dropped down.

"You do it like this... then this... and a finished product."[Gabriel]

"Sugoi!!! I never knew you could do this with a simple trick! "[Taira]

I handed her the flower crown. Her hopeful face seems really cute. She looked at the flower crown in her hand and put it into her head. What's with that extreme moe moment?

"So have you finally cheered up?"[Gabriel]

"I guess so. Thank you very much!"[Taira]

She then flashed me a dazzling smile.

"There is always hope for those who wish it after all."[Taira]

I'm currently walking to find an inn. But after the encounter with Taira, I feel like I forgot something. As I recalled her last sentence, only one word stuck on my mind. Hope. Talking of hope, I remembered one of my favorite anime, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, a mahou shoujo anime with a dark twist. Mahou shoujo are one of the gods of anime after all.

'Wait. Mahou shoujo?'[Gabriel]

Then I recalled the word 'hope'. And then I summed up everything.

Bishoujo+hope= MAHOU SHOUJO

At that moment, lightning struck me.

'How could I forget?! But I didn't expect a noble girl from a world with anime to have potential to become a magical girl so I should say its inevitable that I would forget. But forget about that! A mahou shoujo! In real life! How could I let this chance pass up.'[Gabriel]

"It seems that my skill 《Blacksmith》 is about to shine. So what kind of transformation item should I make?"[Gabriel]

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