Chapter 19

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When Grandiel from the momentary blackness, instead of the crystal clear waters he woke up in a different place. Upon sighting it, he immediately recognized the room.

"This is the....throne room?"

It was identical to the one he knew.

But the only difference is that a person is sitting on his throne who looks like he can be his twin. The same blonde hair and the same regal clothes. He was relaxing on the throne with his eyes closed. Grandiel stared at his counterpart without doing anything filling the air with tension.

" lonely."

The other Grandiel spoke with such melancholic voice. He opened his eyes, revealing sad emerald eyes. Grandiel narrowed eyes.

"And what do you mean by that?"

"Don't fool yourself, King. Both of us just how much loneliness and emptiness you hold in your heart."

If possible, the other Grandiel's face became more melancholic, that if anyone would see his sad eyes and mouth twisted into a frown, they wouldn't believe that he was the same as the cold but righteous Elf King.

"You always always always always give devote, ourselves to the country. But what did we get? NOTHING!"

The other Grandiel suddenly became angry and stood up from the throne. His eyes filled with so much hatred as he remembered all the suffering they had to endure.

"Since our birth, we have always been alone. Mother dearest died, the previous king is apathetic and our brothers and sisters vied for the throne thus trying to eliminate us."

Grandiel paled and gritted his teeth as he remembered his crappy childhood. But the other Grandiel ignored his trembling state and continued on with his rant.

"To protect ourselves, we had to become king and we achieved it with our bloodied hands. But that crown took more away from us. And that was our ONE AND ONLY FRIEND!!!"

Grandiel trembled further when he remembered his blue-eyed friend. The miniscule happy memories of Grandiel only consists of his best friend Agro.

Them eating desert together while smearing each other's faces with cream. Chasing each other in the woods while hunting a boar. Being scolded by him because of overworking until he sleeps in the desk. Agro was his one support and it was taken away because of the war between the humans and elves.

"While Agro died in our arms, others lived! When we locked ourselves in our room crying until we don't have any tears, others celebrated! And those nobles! Those infuriating scums dare tell us that Agro died for the damn country while behind our backs they rejoiced in glee because we had lost our most trusted and talented guard!!!"

Grandiel in his frozen state didn't notice that his true self was in front of him until his shoulder's were gripped and was shook back and forth.

"Tell me, o righteous king?! Why does this country gets to be happy while we do not?! TELL ME!!!"

He's right. He was right. Why does everyone gets to be happy while he's alone sitting on that throne. Left alone on that huge barren room.

Hatred surged up inside him, overflowing with so much intensity that he clenched his knuckles so hard his nails dug on his palms, making blood drip on the floor.

' that all you can do?'

A voice suddenly rang out in the room making Grandiel snapped out of his trembling state.

'Is your resolve that weak? Honestly, when I offered you to do this I expected you to win against your true desires.'

"Lady Gabriel....?"

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