A Anouncement?

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Lucy's POV

I brushed my growing blonde hair gently, before pushing it into a side ponytail, letting loose strands fall out. I pulled on my dozen bracelets up both arms, shining in the pale yellow sun from the windows. Sighing I entwined my fingers around my celestial keys and left my apartment, desperate not to run into my landlord: I need rent money, and fast. Skipping through the regular stone streets of Magnolia, I ended up head first into a muscular, blonde man

"Omph!" I let out, falling to the floor. A grumpy face looked at me, slowly softening.

"Oh, Lucy." He stated monotonously. His eyes perked up, smiling on the inside.

"Sorry, Laxus. For bumping into you." I quickly pushed myself to my feet, my keys jingling from movement. "Have you just come back from a job?" I asked curiously.

"Yes. Wasn't too hard. How's the guild been Blondie?" He smirked.

His nickname for me shot through my ears. I can't believe he remembered it.

"The Guild's good, De-De." I playfully sing. He blushes.

"You know I don't like that name." He pouted before heading to the hall. I jogged after him, matching his pace.

"And you know I don't like Blondie. So it's even."

"Ugh, you're awful Blondie."

"You're one to talk De-De."

We laughed loudly, waltzing through the oak doors.

"See you round Blondie." He departed to the his team.

"We'll see De-De."

"Morning Lucy." Levy beamed, waving from the bar.

"Levy." I pick up the pace and give her a quick hug. "It's been forever since I've seen you. It's been a few weeks."

"Well, me and Gajeel were busy with that quest. Had to decipher an entire diary." She laughs, "But it was worth the pay."

"That's so like you Levy."

"So, what's between you and Laxus?"

"Nothing." I stutter, sensing I'm turning a pale pink.

"Aw, come on. You even have nick-names for each other. There's something there."

"Even if there was, I'd doubt he'd be interested in me. He probably still thinks I'm a weakling, like before."


Laxus's POV

Freed passes me a beaker of ale, staring at me confused. Bickslow interrupts my train of thought.

"So why does that Lucy call you De-De?" I choke on my ale, slightly blushing.

"What!" I splutter, wiping my ale off my white shirt, with a manky table cloth.

"We heard her call you De-De. Why?"

"She called me it during the Grand Magic Games."

"When?" Evergreen butted in, puffing out her chest.

"When we were drinking one night. She got drunk, but she still remebered the name she called me. It was after you lot had passed out."

"Drunk Lucy. That's a sight I'd like to see!" Bickslow laughed obnoxiously.

"Indeed." Freed smirked. He rarely smiled; apart from when he's around me, then he's a nutcase.

"Shall we-" Bickslow was rudely interrupted with Master appearing on stage.

"My Children, since you've been working tremendously hard recently I've booked us all a trip to Akane Resort. Yes that may bring up bad memories for some of you, but we all need a break. Get packing we're leaving by carriages at 8 tomorrow morning."

Everyone cheered.

"Mirajane will be assigning you in groups of five, last five here will be stuck with whomever was late. That'll be all."

Gramps hopped off the stage and to his office. I speed off to Mira.

"Mirajane. Can I have a word with you?"

"Sure thing, let's go outside."

We walked in silence through the door from the kitchen, Mira stopped underneath a swaying maple tree.

"Mira, can you rig the journey so I'm in the same carriage as Lucy." I hide my face with my overgrown fringe.

"You owe me Laxus."


"Just remember that. Now do you like Lucy?" She grinned slyly.

"Ugh. Fine, I do."


"Sshh!" I flap my hands in the air.

"I won't tell anyone. I promise."


"Get packing."

"Thanks Mira."

I wave goodbye, and to my team to pack. This holiday could be it for me. I could confess to her.

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