The Wedding

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Lucy's POV

It's taken us half a year to plan the wedding and the big, life-changing day is here. I can't help but pace up and down the front of my apartment, waiting for the coach to pick me up. Levy and Erza are observing me silently. A thought rapidly flashed in my head.

"My father." I whisper, feeling like I'm going to cry. It's not like I haven't thought about him during all of this, I really have.

"Hey, don't cry." Levy stopped me from turning to pace for the thousandth time. "Makarov is giving you away remember."

"I know." I sighed, frowning.

"He'll be watching you from heaven with your mother." Erza reassured.

"I know! I'm really getting married." I squealed, my fingers tightening the bouquet of white lilies and yellow roses. 

"I can't believe it Luce." Levy jumped up and down in her heels.

"Thanks again Erza for the Akane Resort race. It would've taken us ages for us to to get together."

"My plan came together in the end." She laughed.

"Erza!" Me and Levy giggled in unison.

A dot traveled at a steady pace, the further it came the more the dot enlarged till we saw it was the coach driven by two white horses. The beating of their hooves met my heartbeat: this was it, the day I married the love of my life. Eeeekk! I mentally screamed, desperate to try and calm myself down. Closing my eyes and taking 5 deep breaths, my heart beat slowed down and the coach had swiftly arrived.

"Ready Miss Lucy?" Alzack called from the seat.

"Yes, I'm ready." 

The girls lifted up my dress as I sat comfortably in the silk cushions. Levy and Erza sat opposite me. 

"One more thing before you go on." Levy opened up her hands to reveal the thing I wore on our first date. 

"We thought you'd like to wear it, seeing as you're not wearing a veil." Erza explained, her eyes tearing up.

"Oh My Mavis! How could I forget about this headband?" I giggled, taking it from Levy's hand and pushing it behind my ears.

"You look perfect Lucy." Erza gasped.

"Aww, thanks Erza." I took one of their hands. "Thank you for being my bridesmaids."

"I've always wanted to be a bridesmaid." Levy grinned.

"We're here ladies." Alzack stopped the coach, and helped all three of us out the coach. "Now I must find my seat. Excuse me." He disappeared through the a side door.

"Makarov." I quietly called out to him, walking into the little hallway just before the actual church. 

"Oh Lucy." His wrinkled hand covered his mouth, tears forming in his small eyes.

"Please don't cry."

"I can't help it. One of my kids is growing up."

"Don't forget about Laxus." I took his small hand in mine, standing in front of the oak doors.

"You ready dear child?" He squeezed my hand with warmth.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I laughed, shaking off my nerves.


Laxus' POV

Freed and Bickslow were smiling at me happily as the pianist started to play. Everyone's eyes averted to the doors opening, and I couldn't help but not take my eyes off her. Her dress was made for her, she looked like a angel: soon my angel. Her dress was a simplistic white, with a ruffled feathers for a skirt. Instead of a veil covering her face she wore the same headband from our first date, which tucked loose strands of her golden locks behind her ears. In her left hand was a bouquet of white lilies and yellow roses, and in her right was Gramps, who was letting small tears fall. Before Lucy made her way to the altar, she leant down to him, whispering something in his ear. His smile perked up and the tears were gone. She handed over her flowers to Erza and stood in front of me, absolutely perfect. 

"Lucy you look perfect." I grinned.

"You look perfect too."

"Now before I start this ceremony of love. Is there anyone here who objects to this couples matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace?" The vicar peered into the crowd like me, hoping Natsu wouldn't appear.

"I object." Loke appeared beside Lucy.

"Loke." Everyone broke into laughter, including him.

"Loke, go back to the spirit world, you have Aries." Lucy sighed giggling.

"As you wish." He bowed, vanishing.

"Well after that have you two prepared vows." The vicar looked at us.

"I have." I declared.

"I have as well."

"Laxus, you go first." I did as he said, I held her hands in mine, squeezing her fingers gently.

"Lucy, we've been through a lot but I feel like the stars put us in the same place at the same time, to make us realise there's more to both of us that meets the eye. For these past years I've adored spending every moment with you; if we were doing a job, trying to do some cooking that could've burnt down the house, or even just cuddling on the sofa reading one of your books, I loved all of it. I can't wait to love all the future moments we'll share together."

"Very beautiful, Lucy?"

"De-De, ever since I met you, you've always made me feel different. You made me feel like I could love someone for who they were on the inside not how they projected themselves. I'm glad we had our rough patches where we'd be mad at each other for a few days but then realise that we need each other. I loved getting to know every side of you; whether that's your completely soft side, over-protective, brutish or moody side. When I look back to my youth days I'll look back on all the times we spent celebrating each other's company, and I'll love that I spent it that way with you."

"Okay, can we have your ring bearers up here please?" Freed stepped up and so did Levy.

"Now repeat after me."

"Do you Lucy Heartfellia promise to look after me in sickness and health, for richer or for poor, for love and support?"

"I do." I slipped the golden ring up her finger.

"Do you Laxus Dreyar promise to look after me in sickness and health, for richer or for poor, for love and support?"

"I do." I stated, grinning when she put on the ring.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."


I wrapped my hands around her slim waist, pulling her into a sweet kiss. Our guild applauded wildly, rising to their feet. Gildarts and Bickslow wolf-whistled whereas Elfman and Freed tipped their hats. 

"So Mrs Dreyar shall we go to the reception?" I held out my arm.

"I think we shall Mr Dreyar." She linked arms with mine, giggling as we walked down the aisle, cheered on by our friends and family.

"I love you Lucy."

"I love you too Laxus." She smiled wonderfully.

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