Win or Lose

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Laxus' POV

Me and Lucy race against everyone else, jumping over potholes and scattered belongings on the gravel pathway. We're both grinning, the wind rushing past us, whistling a beat in our ears. After a couple of minutes we arrive at the foot of the hill; it didn't look like a hill. It was more like a mountain.

"We have to go up there." Lucy panted, slightly out of breath.

"Come on Blondie. Believe in us more."

"Your right. Let's do this." She laughed confidently: she had seriously grown. 

Pushing tree branches and nettles with our bodies, we appeared an inch from a ravine, that scaled down into an unknown dark abyss. 

"How do we get across?" I huffed.

"There's only one way." Lucy unattached her whip, opening it. The once short whip lit up blue and yellow, extending around her feet. "Now where to attach it."

"There." I pointed to a strong enough branch across the ravine.

"Perfect." Her whip flew through the air, entangling it to the brown branch. Taking a few steps back she ran, lifting up her legs before making impact with the grass. Grinning like a cheshire cat she threw it back, I grabbed. She signaled for me to jump and I did so, laughing as I did so.

"You're quite handy Blondie." I shout when toppling on top of her.

"Hah." She laughed, blushing. "Are you going to get off me?"

"Oh, sorry." I mumbled, helping her up. "Let's get going."

We walked in silence through the forest, until bumping into something we'd have to fight. A saber-tooth minotaur: which are very rare in Magnolia. 

"Stay back Blondie."


Lucy's POV

"Excuse me." I snapped. 

"Listen, let me handle this." He muffled, handing me his jacket.

"Uh no way." I threw his jacket onto a overhanging branch. 

"Blondie." I sighed.

"I thought you said I'm quite handy." I repeated his words snarky. 

"Fine, just don't get hurt."

"Don't plan to." I cracked my knuckles. 

"Lightening Dragon Roar." Laxus yelled. The minotaur dodged, his attack going into a tree. 

"Open gate of the Maiden, Virgo."

"Yes Princess." Virgo appeared in front of me. 

"Virgo, let's beat this thing up." In sync we ran to it, our legs raised to kick it. However with human hands he grabbed our feet. Quickly I yelled.

"Cancer." Cancer appeared, cutting into his hands, releasing us screeching in pain.

"Goodbye Lucy." Cancer disappeared. 

"Nice Lucy." Laxus nodded at me. "Now let's finish this."

"Scorpio, Aries." They both appeared knowing what to do. In unison with Laxus they attacked

"Lightning Dragon Roar Combined." 

The minotaur fell to the floor, completely knocked out. 

"Scorpio, Aries and Virgo. Thank you."

"Your welcome."

"Do I get my punishment now?"

"Virgo, for heaven's sake no. Please go rest."

"Yes Princess."

"Princess." Laxus questioned.

"She called me that after I got her key." 

"Let's go. That looks like the end." He pointed to a fairy tail flag moving in the wind.

"No-one's there."

"What are we waiting for?"

Together we sprinted up the mossy hill, slipping occasionally, but we arrived. Both of us lifted up the flag and screamed.

"We WIN!" 

A couple of minutes later, everyone pouts up the hill: sour losers. Yet Erza was beaming.

"Well you two, you win and you know what that means. You two are going on a date to the Blossom Restaurant tonight."

"Eeek, finally Lucy. You get to go on a date with him." Juvia squealed.

"Juvia." I embarrassingly whine.

"Congrats man." Elfman patted Laxus on his back. He looked away from me his face turning bright red.

"I'll wait for you in the foyer at 7." He mumbles.

"Sounds good." I whisper in excitement.

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