Growing Up

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Lucy's POV

Aurora and Zeus wave goodbye to me, as they disappear into a sea of teenagers just like themselves: some I recognize from the guild. My beautiful children are growing up so fast. It goes to show how much time flies when you're really having fun. 

Walking down the path back into the centre of town, I can't help but overhear a woman surrounded by men down a slightly dark alleyway: it's only the morning. I was just going to leave her to it, but the men's word rattled my cage.

"HEY!" I yell, hand on my hip. 

"Huh." A clueless male looked me.

"LEAVE THE WOMAN ALONE!" I started to move a couple of paces, my heels clicking against the floor.

"Two women, what a catch." A built, middle aged man marched over to me, his hand reaching my face. 

"Touch me, and you'll regret it." I spat at him.

"Please your defenseless and surrounded by men. Just give up already."

"Your loss." I smirked. "Ever heard of magic?" 

"Yeah, I'm a boss." Someone stood up. He was a fair ginger, around 6 foot, piercing green eyes like my daughters. 

"How about we make a deal?" I approach the woman, settling her nerves. "Let the woman go firstly."

"GET LOST!" The ginger man yelled, the innocent woman doing as he said.

"Beat me in a fight, you get me for a night. Lose, you have to join Fairy Tail. I'm one of their strongest members." I declared proudly.

"Deal, bitch." He cracked a white smile.

"Ooh, you shouldn't have done that kiddo." I crack my neck.

"Let's take this somewhere else."

"Allow me." I laugh, pulling out one of my keys. "Open gate of the Scorpion, Scorpio."

"Miss Lucy." He greeted me before a whirlwind of sand and dust, whisked my opponents onto the streets and into a lamppost.

"Thanks Scorpio." I sent him back home, and I followed the path that he took through the air.

"You're quite powerful you know." He dries the blood, dripping down his forehead with his sleeve. Once on his feet, his hands formed a symbol in front of him. "Ilo Esto Mias."

A burning sensation ran up my arms and legs, but it didn't affect me that much. Biting my tongue I unraveled my extendable whip, sending it through the air, meeting his hands. Using my strength I spun around in circles until the whip let go on it's own.

"Olo Minsto Quesn." He uttered, repeating the very same phrase over and over again.

Another sensation pierced my skin, stabs like daggers cutting open my skin, blood pouring down my arm: he hadn't focused very well. I am not losing this. I will not be unfaithful to Laxus. So I opened Loke's and Aries gate, preparing another spell. Linking arms, our lips parted at the same time.

"The Mage, the Ram, the Lion have intertwined their magic, their love for each other strengthening themselves. Family of the celestial spirits, defeat our opponent who only desires lust over love. Go forth spirits."

Finally my male opponent fell to his knees, making me the winner, and him a new member of Fairy Tail.

"Come to Fairy Tail at 5pm, tonight!" I yell in triumph strutting back home, meeting a very angry Laxus.


Laxus' POV

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