A Date

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Lucy's POV

The girls drag me to the resort's boutique, putting handfuls of dresses into my arms. Each of them had picked out a dress each. Erza had browsed thoroughly, handing me a maroon satin dress.

"Erza!" I gasp.

"This is made for you." She smiled her white teeth showing.


I duck into the changing room and tried it on. It fell to my ankles, the ruffled skirt didn't stand out that much, but it was so elegant. I opened the velvet curtain showing the girls; they were speechless.

"I'm buying it." I nod.

"We're doing your make-up and hair, so hurry and pay. We don't have long." Mira states.

"Mira, it's only 3."

"It could take that long."

"Mira." I gasp, shocked at her burn.

"I'm kidding." She pushes me back inside the changing cubicle, soon after paying.

"Thanks girls." I hug them all before setting off to my room.


Laxus' POV

I'm pacing my tiny room back and forth for about the millionth time, whislt Gildarts is staring at me.

"So you're finally going on a date with her?"

"Yes. I'm worried." I admit to him.

"About what?"

"About everything. What if she doesn't like me after this? What if she thinks I'm a pervert? What if she doesn't make any effort?" I slump into the rugged armchair.

"Laxus, if she didn't want to go on this date with you, she would've objected from the start or asked if you two could just be friends."

"I know, but." I huffed.

"You'll be fine."


"You have 30 minutes."

"Wait really?" I whip around.

"Yep. Good luck." Gildarts leaves me half-naked.

"Ugh." I pull out one of my clean white shirt's, a slightly creased black jacket, black pants and some brown, suede lace ups: I never bother with ties, they're always impossible to actually tie around someone's neck. Ruffling my hair a little, I exit my room, holding the voucher in my left hand; even though they're incredibly sweaty.


Lucy's POV

The girls rushed ahead of me, desperate to see his reaction. They dressed me splendidly; I'm wearing the satin dress, they weaved daisies into my hair using a disguised, blonde headband, my make-up was simplistic apart from the shiny pink lip-gloss on my lips, and some black heels to almost meet Laxus' height. Taking a deep breath, I walked down the staircase, my heels drawing his attention. His blue eyes widen, taking in all of me.

"You look great Laxus." I complimented him, trying hard not to blush.

"Lucy, you look breath-taking." He smiles, holding out his arm. "Shall we?"

"I never knew you were such a gentleman." I laugh.

"You'll learn more about me Blondie."

"I'll let that one slide De-De, seeing as we are on a date."

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