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Laxus's POV

"Lucy." I gentle shake her shoulders, hoping she'd wake up, but to no avail. "That damn Natsu." I curse. 

She looks so peaceful, her bangs shadowing a scar on her forehead. It was a small line across the corner and was painted tan. 

"You idiot." I laugh quietly. "Why are you so reckless? I can't believe you've grown this strong. I'm sorry for the way I called you weak, I promise I won't call you that ever again."

"Laxus?" She whimpers, from her slumber. 

"Lucy." Levy and Erza barge in, destroying her peace. Lucy's chocolate eyes fluttered open, staring at me. I awkwardly stand up and leave the girls. 


Lucy's POV

"Where'd Laxus go?" I asked from beneath the sheets. 

"He left just now. Lucy are you okay?" Erza replied, concerned.

"I'll live. It's not the first time when I've gotten hit by one of his attacks."

"We're just glad it wasn't one of his more stronger spells." Levy collapsed on my bed, relieved.

"What's happening with Natsu then? He basically destroyed the foyer." 

"He's spending the week here to repair it all. Master was very infuriated with him. So Natsu won't be getting any fun this week." Erza says without any remorse for him.

"Well it serves him right." I stated, crossing my arms: in pain.

"He says he'll apologize to you when he can."

"Like he will."

"He has had a tendency to never apologize." Levy agreed.

"Can you fetch me my keys from my room? I need to tell them I'm alright."

"Sure." Erza takes my room key from the mini dresser, and walks out hand in hand with Levy. Surprisingly Laxus appears.

"You ok?" He whispers.

"You stayed?" I looked confused.

"I wanted to talk to you."

"Ok, what about?" I sit myself up against the cushions, flinching at the pain in my shoulder.

"You're pretty brave you know?" He smiles sweetly.

"If I didn't step in, you would've. And I don't want to see you get hurt." I finally admit, blushing red.

"Baka." He grunts. "I don't want to see you hurt either, Blondie." He looks at me with flushed cheeks.

"De-De!" I grin with happiness.

"Are we interrupting something?" Levy and Erza slyly grin.

"*cough. No. Lucy, I'll talk to you later." Laxus shuffles out. 

"Here Lucy." Erza hands me my keys.

"Open gate of the lion... Loke." I muffle.

"My princess." He bowed. "How are you?"

"Loke, do you have no eyesight?" I giggle.

"Lucy, who did this to you? Was it that flame brain? I'll kill him."

"Yes it was Natsu. And you're not killing anyone."

"Fine." He pouts.

"I just want you to tell everyone that I'm okay. I guess you sensed that I got hurt."

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