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Laxus' POV

It had been 3 days since the whole Natsu situation and Lucy was moving around my house more frequently. This time she was in the kitchen.

"Lucy, why are you out of bed?"

"I have to move at some point." She mumbled, ignoring her obvious pain.

"Sit on the couch then." I sighed.

"And carry on being a nuisance, no." She stuttered. 

"You're not a nuisance."

"Yes I am. I couldn't fight back. All I ever do is cause people problems." She tears up.

"Hey." I pull her into my chest, muffling her sobs. "I love taking care of you. I was an idiot to race you. I left you behind forgetting what Natsu had said. I couldn't protect you, but here I can. No-one apart from you and me knows I live here. And the Thunder Legion." I admitted.

"Laxus." She smiled weakly. 

"If you really want to go out, we can go to the park." I rest my head on top of hers. "Virgo brought you some clothes if I remember."


"I'll get Ever, so she can help you change. Just wait in the bedroom."

"See you later."

"No cooking." I laugh, leaving her locked inside.

Running through the oak forest I past the regular markings on the trees indicating the path to Ever's home: we all live in this forest together, we thought it was a really cool idea at the start of constructing our homes but now, any one of us could pop up at an others. I knock politely on her emerald door.

"Good morning Laxus."

"Do you think you could come over to my house to help with something?"

"Sure. One minute." She went back inside, and came back with a jacket and her keys. 

We walked in the sunlight.

"Why didn't you ask one of the guys" She asks, adjusting her jacket.

"Because this would be pervy of them."


"She'll tell you all about it."

"She?" Ever grinned slyly.


Lucy's POV

The front door clicks open, I sit as comfortable as I can on his bed, pulling one of his blankets around my waist, hiding my burn marks. His door creaked open and Ever poked her head, looking nervous. Laxus, however, didn't follow her.

"Lucy, Laxus said you need help."

"Can you help me change into some comfy clothes?"

"Sure, but why can't you do it yourself?" She sat next to me, holding one of my shaking hands.

"Laxus didn't tell you?" I'm trying to choke back the tears.

"He said it'd help you get some stuff off your chest."

"That dummy." I laugh, tears pouring down my face. "It's better if I show you." I stood up, keeping my balance against the wall, and released the blanket from my waist.

"Lucy." She covered her mouth with both hands, a few tears streaming from her face.

"When we came back from Akane Resort, me and Laxus raced to my apartment, he got ahead of me. Natsu was hiding in an alleyway and dragged me from the street. He trusted me not to shout but I did, and he started to burn my dress, then my skin. I just had the energy to call Loke. Laxus was trapped in an enchantment barrier, Natsu had somehow had placed. I've been here since then."

"You've been here for 3 days then. That's why Laxus hasn't been coming to the guild. Actually we were worried about the both of you, so nobody knows then." 

I shook my head.

"Well Laxus says you're going on a date to the park. Let's help you get dressed."

"Thanks Ever."

"Anytime." She helps me back onto the bed, lifting the first part of the dress over my head. "This my hurt." She warned. Carefully she pulled them down my legs, her frail fingers brushing against my legs. She dove through the few items I had and pulled out a cream sweater dress and black stockings.  "This is going to be so comfortable for you."

"Thanks again Ever."

"No problem. For a future member of the Thunder Legion."


"What?" She played it off. "Did I say something?"

"Ever." I laughed for the first time in 3 days.


Laxus' POV

After the slow struggle of walking out the forest we collapse on a bench in Magnolia's only park. 

"How you holding up?" I ask, putting my arm around her shoulder. 

"I feel great."

"Good, now.  Are you hungry?" I opened the old wicker basket.

"Oh My Mavis!" She laughed, pulling out a neatly cut sandwich.

"What? Something wrong with it."

"No." She carried on laughing. "Who knew that you had such a dainty side."

"Thanks." I pouted, wolfing down my sandwich. 

"Mmmmm. Delicious." Lucy smiled, with a mouthful of ham and cucumber.

"Chew with your mouth closed." I tease her by closing it for her.

"Did you pack anything else?"

"Of course. We have some strawberries, ginger beer, and some chocolate cake."

"Laxus." She giggled. "This is why I love you so much." She froze, hand half in basket.

"Lucy." I mumble blushing red like a sunset.

"Umm, Laxus. I love you." She looked deeply into my eyes. "I know I've been a pain recently, I don't want to see you get hurt. Whenever your not around my heart feels so lonely. I love how your secretly a gentleman and that you have a soft side, I love it when you take care of me. I feel like I'm wanted with you and your friends Laxus." 

"Lucy." I reach over and give her my first french kiss, caressing her hair, as she wraps her arms around my neck tightly. We pause for a breather. "Lucy, I love you too. You're not a pain Luce. I love how you're so caring that you'd do anything for anyone. That smile of yours melts my heart, I love it when your happy. You mean the world to me. If I ever saw anyone hurt you I'd kill them for daring to touch you. You're so so precious to me."

"Laxus." She blushed red like the strawberries. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" 

"Of course I will De-De."

"Yay!" The Thunder Legion cheer from behind some trees.

"Oh My Mavis." I sigh, laughing. "Can't I have one intimate moment with my girl?"

"Not when we only live a couple of minutes away." Bickslow laughed.

"You idiots must be hungry." Lucy called them over. "You better leave us alone when we need it."

"Can't promise anything." Ever grinned like a wolf.

"This is going to be interesting." Me and Lucy said in unison, linking hands.

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