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Lucy's POV

I wake just a few inches away from Laxus' face. Did he always look this handsome when sleeping? I don't think I ever noticed it before. Smiling I try to get out of bed, but a firm yet soft arm is wrapped around my shoulder, disguised by the blankets.

"Laxus." I whisper. His eyelids start to crinkle, showing his ocean blue eyes.

"Lucy." He groans. "Morning."


"What time?" He can't even speak in a full sentence. Cute.


"Too early Blondie."

"Too early." I giggle softly.

"Fine, I'm going." He falls to the floor with a THUD! "See you."

He's left me all alone, his purple shirt laying on the dresser. I bolted to the door.

"Laxus." I shout, possibly waking others up.

"What Blondie?" He turns around.

"Your shirt." I flap his shirt in my hand. Unfortunately, Erza and Lisanna pop their heads out their rooms. "Morning girls." I burst out. Laxus sped up, taking back his shirt blushing beetroot red. Before I can lock my door, Erza, Lisanna and now Mira are barging into my room.

"Why was Laxus' shirt here?" Lisanna pushes me onto my bed.

"Did he spend the night?" Mira questioned.

"Did he do the nasty?" Erza stood in front of me.

"Oh My Mavis! No, Erza. Nothing like that happened." I throw my face into a pillow.

"So?" They grabbed hold of me.

"You really want to know?"

"Lucy!" We all laughed. Once they were all comfortable, I told them the occurrences that happened last night, and what I thought of him this morning. Needless to say, the girls ransacked my suitcase for my sexiest clothes; I regret packing my suitcase with those clothes. Mira pulls out my shortest dress and revealing bikini. For the next hour my friends dress me, pulling on my strands of hair into a high ponytail, showing my unwelcome scar: luckily none of them asked about it. By the time they're finished, the breakfast bar is closed so we walk out in a line to the pool bar, arms linked.


Laxus's POV

The glass doors are opened by Erza, Mira, Lisanna and and and Lucy. Lucy looks .... stunning. On top of her black bikini is a skimpy, yet sexy white dress that came up to the top of her thighs. Even though I was staring Jellal carries on with his conversation.

"And that's what I think about Exceeds. They're too adorable to handle."

"Uh-huh." I mumble.


"Huh, what." Jellal clicks his fingers in front of my face.

"Were you listening to me?"

"Yeah." I stutter.

"Prove it. What did I say was too adorable to handle?"

"Erm, Erza?"

"I do think she's adorable but wrong answer."

"Who's adorable?" Erza and the rest appear behind us.

"You sweetie." Jellal leans over and kisses her cheek.

"Thanks. Us girls are planning on going for a hike later with Grey, Elfman, Gajeel and Juvia, wanna join?" She looks at me.

"Yeah we will." Jellal replied for me.

"Can't wait." Lisanna jumped on the spot, ecstatic.

"See you later Laxus." Lucy shyly waved goodbye.

"Meet us out front before 1." Mira called facing the pool, that was occupied with all of Fairy Tail. Many of the male members wolf-whistled at them, especially Lucy. She giggled to herself, looking confident, enchanting any man's attention: including mine. Jellal elbowed me.

"You have a thing for Luce." He stated too loud.

"No way." Gray emerged from around the corner with Juvia.

"Ugh." I moan, hitting my head on the bar several times.

"Laxus." Juvia stopped me. "I wouldn't worry you know." She says comforting me.

"About?" I wanted to make sure I knew what she was on about.


"Hang on.."

"I'm not saying anything." Juvia whistled, heading back inside.

"Gray, do you know anything?"

"I try to stay out of her gossip. She can be so extra you know." He shrugged his shoulders.

"How did you ask her out?"

"Well, one day she was upset for some reason, and to make her happy I gave her most desired wish; a date with me. And I slowly fell for that crazy bombshell. I'm so glad I had that date with her." His eyes sparkled with pink hearts for pupils. "I love her so much."

"Good on you ice freak." We all laughed as Gray headed back inside to find his significant other.

"Well I'm getting hungry for lunch." Jellal yawned. "Coming with?"

"Yeah sure." I mope off the bar-stool, following after him. Before closing the door I glance in the direction of Lucy. Her face has sunk in her hands, hunched on a sun lounger.


Lucy's POV

Why do I feel so lonely? It's not like I'm alone, I'm with my best friends in this magical world. I just feel like something, or someone's, missing. I can't put my finger on it. Sighing I get up, walking slowly to my room, hoping to fit in a shower before the hike. I push rudely past charging, drunks adults.

"Watch it bitch!"

Ignoring them I wander carelessly back to my room, taking off the tight dress and untieing my still burnt hair. The hot water splashed against my back, steam forming from the shower-head, soothing my loneliness, the steam massaging my shoulders. Eventually I turn it off and dry off my hair: which took almost 40 minutes. The clock on my bedside stated I had 20 minutes. I dove through my suitcase, again, pulling out some shorts and loose shirt. Dragging my hairbrush through my locks, I hesitated. The ends were raven black, tough to get out all the knots. Reaching for my scissors I cut off each strand, the ends falling gracefully to the wooden floor. Finally I'm finished, securing my belt around my waist, my keys hanging on my left and extendable whip to the right. Today was gonna be interesting.

I skip down the hallway meeting up with Mira on the way down, in silence. When we arrived everyone apart from Laxus were waiting. My smile turned upside down and I just stared at the floor.

"Sorry I'm late." A deep voice spoke from behind us. My smile lifted and punched Laxus on his arm.

"That's for being late." I giggle, walking up to Erza.

"Now we're all here, there's a twist to this hike. This hill is a tropical forest, where you'll have to fight your way through."

"Now you're talking." Gajeel clapped.

"We'll be partnered up boy and girl, and whoever reaches the top of a nearby hill they receive a voucher to a super romantic restaurant. I've already picked your partners if you win with that partner you have to go on a date." Erza laughed evilly. I fidgeted nervously, knowing exactly who she's paired me with. "Lisanna is with Elfman. But they'd go on a date as siblings, considering the time that they've missed. I'm with Jellal. Mira's with Gajeel. Gray you're with Juvia. Lucy you're with Laxus. And remember no cheating. The hill is a mile away to the left, good luck."

We all raced out the doors and to the left.

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