Someone New.

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Laxus' POV

I held Lucy tight in my arms, her breathing turning back to normal.

"That was 4 times, how are you?" I whispered in her ear.

"How can we do it for 4 times?" She giggled.

"Because we're learning to hold back and last longer." I murmur seductively.

"We're not making it five." She gasped, as my hands drew to her lower half.

"Why not?" I nibbled on her ear.

"I'll break." She moans in pleasure.

"You keep saying that, and you haven't!" I started to kiss her neck. nibbling her soft spots.

"Yet." She barely lets out.

"Let's make it five!" I laugh, playfully pushing her on her back. 

"Laxus." She giggled, covering her red face. 

I caressed her breasts, teasing her with my tongue. She keeps moaning, and reaches down to my lower half.

"Fine, we can make it five." She rubbed it for a brief second, then cupping my face with her gentle, soft hands. 

"That's what I like to hear." My lower half met Lucy's and greeted pleasantries. 

"Oh My, Laxus."

I kept thrusting my hips at a quick speed, showing both of our facial expressions, we both moaned with delight. It took a few minutes before we were close to climaxing.

"I think I'm gonna..." I moaned.

"Me too. I love you Laxus."

"I love you too." We climaxed and finally fell asleep from exhaustion, hugging each other close. She smelled like roses. We've been married for around half a year and I can honestly say that it was the best day of my life, and I know it was the same for her too. 


Lucy's POV - 2 Weeks Later

I wake up with the same feeling in my stomach that's been there since a week ago. Laxus wasn't with me as he took a job with the Thunder Legion, he left a couple of days after I'd been throwing up every morning. Why have I been throwing up recently? I had booked a doctors appointment for 12 so I had 3 hours to myself. I threw up for 10 minutes and stuck myself in the shower for a good hour. I changed into a loose shirt and jeans, combing my hair into plaits; it had grown over the years almost to my waist. Another morning craving rumbled in my stomach, so I made salty omelettes for two people but as I was this hungry I ate it all. For the reminder time I had to myself, I cracked open a new book that Levy told me to read: she insisted it was the best yet.

After an hour I grabbed all my keys, including my celestial keys, and headed to the doctors.

"So how long have you been throwing up for?" A gentle nurse sat in her chair with a clipboard.

"A bit more than a week." I fidgeted in my seat.

"Have you been eating anything bad that could be causing this?" 

"No, I've been eating stuff I actually like."

"Okay." She looked up from her clipboard and with a straight face she asked. "When was the last time you had sexual intercourse?"

"Um, two weeks ago." I mumbled.

"Ah." She sighed with a smile on her lips. "Have you been having cravings?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

"How late are you?" 

"Um." I stared at the floor. "Two weeks."

"Well, Mrs Dreyar, congratulations. You're pregnant!" She clapped at me.

"I'm pregnant!" I gasped from shock.

"Yes. In a few months you'll be coming back to have a scan, to check if it's healthy. Shall we say December 15th?" She pulled out a journal.

"Yeah sure." I got out my chair. "Thank you Nurse."

"See you in December."

I walked back home, seeing Laxus napping on the sofa. Suddenly hungry I made my way to the kitchen, making somewhat of loud noise. Warm, tough hands wrapped around my waist, comforting my shaking hands. How will he react? Will he leave me? This definitely wasn't planned for either of us.


Laxus' POV

Strange. She was silent in my arms. Her hands were surprisingly shaking but tended to calm down. 

"Sorry that job took a week, we got lost and confused a lot. Then Bickslow and Ever always argued if we screwed up but we got our reward. Fancy doing something tonight, just us." I licked at her neck, but she squirmed out my hands.

"Um Laxus." She stuttered staring at the floor. "I need to tell you something, but I'm scared you'll leave me to deal with it."

"I'd never leave you." I cupped her face, kissing her forehead.

"How would you feel like of someone new started living with us?"

"Huh, someone's moving in with us?" I was completley confused. "Who?"

"They don't have a name yet, and I don't know what they look like, or even their gender."

"Lucy, are you saying?"

"Laxus, you're going to be a father!" Tears streamed down her face, her chocolate eyes swelled up.

"I'm going to be a father!" I choked back my tears. 

"Are you happy about this?"

"Of course I am. I'm going to be a father!" I spun her around the kitchen.

"I love you Laxus." She was still crying.

"I love you Luce."

"How will the guild react?" She giggled at the thought of their reactions.

"Gramps, will be over here all the time, knowing him."

"Yeah he will."

"You're amazing Lucy." I held her face, caressing her cheeks.

"Thank you Laxus." She smiled gratefully. 

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