The Guild.

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Lucy's POV

It had been a month since I hadn't seen my friends, not since the Natsu thing. But thank Mavis that the burns have disappeared, yet leaving a scar around my waistline. Laxus had spent the past month looking after me and taking solo jobs to the feed the both of us, with any of the Thunder Legion taking care of me in the meantime. I got on with them so well now, it truly felt we were becoming a family: obviously not Laxus as that would be weird. Laxus pauses before the guild doors, squeezing my fingers.

"Are you sure?"

"If I put it off any longer I won't want to come back."

"As you wish, girlfriend." He whispered in my ear.

"Here we go." Together we pushed both doors and broke the guild fighting. They all stared at us, especially at us holding hands: Laxus kept squeezing my fingers, comforting me. Erza was the first to approach me.

"Where have you been?" She hugs me loosely. "We were all worried."

"You should've been, but not now." I reassure her.

"Why would we be worried?"

"It doesn't matter. And I need to speak to Natsu, and the rest of the team."

"Come on." I wink at Laxus as he walks to his team, anxious to how I'm gonna break the news to my friends.

"Lucy." Wendy giggled, pulling me into a hug around my waist.

"Oww." I screeched.

"I didn't hug that hard did I?"

"No. Wendy, you didn't. Let's just say someone else did." I shoot Natsu a hidden, vengeful glare.

"What's up Luce?" Gray asked, patting down on the bench. I didn't take up on his offer.

"Okay, I don't want any of you to take this personal, well apart from one of you and you know who you are." I took in a deep breath. "I won't be in this team any more. It's because of my overall safety in this group, and I don't want it to harm any of you in the process. Instead I'll be joining the Thunder Legion where I know I can be safe. During this past month I've been healing from burn marks around my waist." I lift up the hem of my shirt. "And training with them."

"Burn MARKS!" Erza screamed, slapping Natsu.

"Erza, I'm fine now. I still hope I can be friends with the rest of you."

"Lucy, we'll miss you being a part of this team." Wendy sniffled.

"Wendy, she's not going anywhere, thanks for telling us about this." Gray patted my shoulder heading to the bar.

"And Erza, we need some girl talk later."

"Oh My Mavis!" she squealed, her dark attitude fading. "You need to tell me now."

"Me and Laxus are a couple." I lean over and whisper in her ear.

"LUCY!" She spins me around in the air, feet dangling.


Laxus' POV

I glance over at my girl, seeing she's laughing. Really laughing. Laughing with Erza. Erza's spinning her in the air, with delight. Walking over to her, Lucy is plopped on the floor, holding onto her shoulder from being dizzy.

"Hey babe." I cross my arms playfully.

"Laxus, why is there more than one of you?" She stirred, stars in her eyes. 

"I know something that'll make you snap out of it!" I cup her face in my hands, everyone around me falling silent. Smirking I push my lips onto hers, pulling her closer. Our tongues exchanged greetings and talked for about a minute.

"I love you so much." She whispers, breathing quickly.

"LUCY!" The girls scream gaily, surrounding her.

"LAXUS! YOU DOG!" Bickslow yelled. 

"Come here you." Lucy emerged from the gaggle of girls, pulling me by my collar. Once again we kissed in front of everyone, Natsu gradually started to bubble over.

"Now shall we transfer you to my team."

"Race you." She mumbled, sprinting wildly up the stairs, before I can chase after her. 

"Cheat!" I yell after her, barging into Gramps office.

"Lucy, Laxus?" He peers over his stack of paperwork.

"Master, I'm transferring teams to my boyfriends." She stated boldly. We heard his chair scrape back and tiny footsteps marched in front of her.

"Boyfriend?" He squeaks, trying not to cry.

"That would be me Gramps!" I wave kindly.

"You two will produce some great grandchildren."

"Uhhhh." Lucy stares at the floor turning bright red.

"GRAMPS!" I kick him in the shin lightly, covering my face with my hand, I'm slowly turning the color of lava."

"I'll sort out the paperwork for my future grand-daughter in law."

"Thanks Master." She stuttered in embarrassment, tugging me on my sleeve to leave. Her bangs covered her face, and I can't blame her.

"Lucy, did you get transferred?" Ever calls from below.

"She did." I call back.

Honoring the guild's tradition we drank together, finally, glad we were having a break from taking care of each other: especially Lucy. By the time night arrives we're debating where to stay; Lucy wanted to go back to her place, whereas I wanted her to stay with me at mine.

"Maybe, maybe?" Her cheeks were still flushed. "Maybe we could live together?"

"You want to live with me?" I stuttered, not believing what I had just heard.

"Well, I've been living with you for the past month, why can't we carry on. I am a part of the Thunder Legion now."

"Let's go to your apartment, and bring some stuff over."

"I love you so much De-De!" She squealed jumping into my arms. 

"I love you too Blondie."

"You say that but you're blonde too you idiot." She giggled.

"But Blondie suits you." 

"And De-De suits you."

"My Mavis I love you." We kiss mid-air.

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