5 years on..

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Laxus' POV

5 years today, Lucy moved in with me altering my life drastically : but me being a gentleman we haven't done it  yet, and I'm not bothered. We mess around all the time and when we feel like we're ready for it, we'll do it, hopefully without the Thunder Legion barging in on us. 

It's lunch-time and after doing some secret shopping, the smell overwhelms me from the open kitchen window.

"I'm home." I call from the window, leaning in to see Lucy wearing the apron I bought her a few years ago; that read 'My Little Bolt'. Slightly blushing she leant over and kissed my forehead.

"Come in, and we're not alone either."

"Ugh." I groan, walking through the front-door. "Great."

"Laxus!" Bickslow yelled, holding up a glass of beer.

"Afternoon Laxus." Freed tipped his hat, like a gentleman.

"Yeah, yeah." I march past them, desperate to hide my purchase that I had been saving for a long time now. 

"Laxus!" Lucy called from downstairs. "Lunch's ready!"

"Coming." Panicking I put it in one of my drawers, and bolted down the staircase. 

"Laxus, if you don't start I'll eat yours." Bickslow warned.

"Eat my food and you're fried." I warned, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Not in the house." Lucy exclaims not even looking up to notice him trying to pinch one of my tomatoes.

"You see everything don't you?" Evergreen laughed.

"It's like a sixth sense." She laughed passing me the mustard. "I had to learn after living with this one."

"Yep." I agreed with her.

"How long's it been?" Ever smiled devilishly.

"5 years." Lucy answered proudly, like it was second nature for her to remember.

"5 years huh?" Ever grinned playfully.

"What?" Lucy giggled.

"So it's been 5 years, have you done it yet?"

I swallow my food whole, choking loudly. Lucy rapidly hands me a glass of water, I take it and chug it down.

"Ever." Bickslow howled, ruffling her hair.

"Don't touch my hair if you don't want to be stone." She warned, wiggling her fingers.

"Evergreen, that topic isn't to be discussed at the table." Freed frowned at her like he was her dad, or maybe like a brother.

"Sorry." She hung her head.

"Freed, wow." I sat in shock. "It seems you're the only person here who can get her to apologize."

"Shut up Laxus!" She squeaked like an infant. 

"I think of her like a sister, if that's what you're thinking." He carried on eating.

"Aww." Lucy smiled.

"LUCY!" A high-pitched squeal knocked on our door.

Lucy stood up, opening the door to see Levy.


"You need to come to the guild now! Everyone's gone insane!" Levy dragged her by her wrist.

"Let me get my keys." Lucy pelted to her keys, mouthing goodbye as the door shuts.

"Shall we follow?" Ever asks concerned.

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