Little Patters of Feet

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Laxus' POV

I gently combed my wife's hair behind her ear, waking her up before our kids wake up for going to the guild.

"Morning dear." She whispered, not opening an eye.

"It's time to wake them up."

"You wake them, I'll make breakfast." She replied, still not opening her eyes.

"Open your eyes then."

"Morning dear!" Her eyes widened, as she kissed my cheek.

"I'll go wake them up." I moped out of bed and tied my black dressing gown around my hips. "Make sure it's a nutritious breakfast."

"Yeah, yeah."

Quietly, I tip-toed to Aurora and Zeus' room, opening their painted yellow door, which they covered with multiple stickers and drawings; my favourite was their drawing of me and Lucy holding hands with a heart above our heads. My Mavis, I absolutely adore my kids. The sunlight was trying to shine through the curtains but was failing miserably. I laughed; Zeus was half out of bed, his covers covering only his legs whereas Aurora had slept in one of my jumpers on the floor: they're almost 8.

"Wakey, wakey, rise and shine." I cheered, throwing open the curtains.

"Daddy." Aurora whined, covering her face with her feather pillow.

"5 more minutes." Zeus groaned, throwing a pillow at my feet.

"We're going to the guild today."

"Whatever, need sleep." Zeus protested.

"Mummy's cooking a special breakfast." I knew this would tempt them.

"She is." Aurora's small head popped out from her pillow, her light blonde curls puffed around her face.

"Yep, and if you don't hurry, you won't be able to have any." I opened their door, stepping one foot out the door.

"Wait for me!" Zeus and Aurora cried in unison.

The two of them bounded down the stairs, running into Lucy's arms, as she greeted them good morning.

"What's the special breakfast?" My daughter begged.

"Pancakes and fruit."

"Fruit." Zeus scrunched up his face. "Bleh!"

"You don't get pancakes, unless you eat the fruit." I teased, sitting down at the dinner table.

"Come and eat you two." Lucy sang in a sweet voice: like always.

"Thank you Mummy." Aurora smiled with a toothy grin, tucking into her food, not taking a second to have a drink of some juice.

"Slow down Aurora, you'll choke." I assured her, stopping another fork from going into her mouth.

"Ok Daddy." She reached over for a drink and gulped it down quickly. "Orange juice is my favourite."

"It's mine as well." Lucy ruffled her hair.

"I've eaten all my fruit, may I have a pancake." Zeus asked, fork at the ready.

"Sure son."

"Yay!" He dug his fork into a pancake, and shoved it into his mouth, three quarters of it hanging out of his mouth, looking like an over-excited puppy. We all burst out laughing as we were finishing our food, and Zeus couldn't help but laugh also.

"Come on you two." Lucy began clearing the plates away. "Let's get you two dressed."

"I'll do the plates, darling." I quick-walked over to her and balanced all the plates up my arms effectively.

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