The Journey

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Lucy's POV

My suitcase is brimming with multiple styles of bikinis and saucy dresses, that I plan to wear to draw attention from a certain someone. I hope they notice. When I'm finally done its almost midnight, leaving me not much time to sleep. I leap in my bed, setting my alarm before nodding off into a non-dream sleep.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

My alarm wakes me up, stating I only have an hour. The clothes I planned last night, lie limply on my desk chair, waiting impatiently to be put on. Moping out of bed, I, like a snail, took off my pyjamas and slipped into my clothes. The baby blue short dress clung to my curves, showing off more than what's actually there. Zipping up my black knee length boots, I combed my hair, leaving it out. Just before I leave my home, I stick a letter to my coffee table addressed to my landlord encased with my rent that's due tomorrow. I drag my suitcase down the riverbank, waving to friendly sailors that I made acquaintances with a while back. 

When finally arriving at the Guild Hall, I meet up with my family, who are buzzing.

"Good morning!" I cheer, approaching Levy and Juvia.

"Lucy, that dress." Juvia gasped. "Where did you get it from?"

"Something I picked up on the way home yesterday, it's a new store that opened up."

"Well, when we get back we're going there." Juvia exclaimed grinning.

"And you're drawing attention from a certain someone." Levy hinted, discreetly nodding her head to the left. Laxus and Gildarts were talking but his eyes were focused on me. I wave politely at him, him rapidly turning rosy red. Mira suddenly appeared with a light pen.

"Morning everyone." She yelled, a bit too loud. "Let's get started."

Using her light pen she mapped out all the stops we'll be making for lunch and toilet breaks: in total 6.

"This is gonna be a 7 hour ride, so we'll arrive for dinner. All of you have separate rooms, but they are small. In the first carriage will be; Juvia, Levy, Erza, Gray and Gajeel. Second carriage will be; Me, Lisanna, Gildarts, Cana and Master. Third carriage will be; Lucy, Evergreen, Wendy, Freed and Laxus."

My mind froze. I'm sharing a 7 hour ride with Laxus: Oh My Mavis! Whilst Mira is still talking Levy and Juvia wink at me, something tells me they were behind this. My heartbeat begins to rise, my cheeks becoming flushed. I ignore everything else and focus on my breathing, trying to keep my cool. Finally Mirajane finishes and Wendy appears by my side, beaming childishly.

"This is going to be so much fun." She exclaimed.

"It sure is kiddo." Freed replied, ruffling her hair.

"This is going to be interesting." Evergreen winked at me casually. 

"Freed. I'm not a kid." Wendy pouted.

"Don't pout Wendy." I said. "You'll only prove his point further."

"You can't say anything Blondie." He folds his arms laughing.

"Is that right De-De?" I laugh. 

Our conversation is drawn to a close when Mira ushers us into the carriage; I'm sat between Laxus and Wendy, with Evergreen and Freed opposite. It doesn't take long till we started moving, and soon enough everyone, apart from me and Laxus, are asleep. I sigh from boredom, reaching into my handbag, pulling out a novel. 


Laxus's POV

My attention from the landscape is now drawn to Lucy. She's holding a leather bound book, that has a broken binding and tattered golden pages. 

"What you got there?" I asked.

"A book." She grunted.

"Well never. I thought it was a cat."

"Can I just enjoy this book? Please?" Her eyes met mine, staring irritatingly into my soul.

"What's it about?"

"It's about a girl in a orphanage, if you must know."

"And you want to enjoy that?" I giggled hysterically.

"Yes." She hissed, stopping me from laughing.

"Fine, I'm gonna sleep."

For the rest of the journey her eyes are glued onto every smudged word, ignoring everyone's conversations. We finally arrive at the resort at 7 because we broke down, making us the last group there. Squeals and screams are clear in the distance, and it's obviously Natsu and Erza, having way to much fun. This holiday is still yet to happen till we check in and rest; tomorrows a new day.

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