The First Day

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Lucy's POV

My eyes squint from the sun streaming through the mesh blue curtains. It takes a few seconds for my eyes to re-adjust, fixating on the bed. It's gold,satin sheets slip me out of bed and towards my suitcase; I was so tired last night I didn't unpack. Zipping it open I browsed through it trying to find a bikini. I finally find my tropical leaf two piece, and my favourite crop top and skirt. Using the full length mirror, I change, shoving my day-old clothes into a drawer, leaving behind my suitcase: still open. Leaning to my room keys and complementary towel, I stroll out my room and down to the foyer. A familiar pink-haired boy is arguing angrily with the receptionist.

"Natsu." I exclaim, silencing him.

"Lucy, how are you?" He throws his arm on my shoulder, forcing me towards the pale-faced receptionist.

"I'm good." I shrug off his arm uncomfortably. "You do realise you're scaring this poor woman." I pointed out her quivering lips, blinking eyes and shaking hands. "Tell me, dear, what's he talking to you about?"

"He wanted to know whether we can tell him about who's in what room. He kept mumbling he's going to fight someone hear, and we've changed our policies I'm afraid. After what happened last time."

"Oh come on. Just tell me!" He screeched, the frightened woman flinching at his outbreak. This isn't the Natsu I've fought with.

"Natsu, have you had breakfast yet?"

"No." He huffed.

"Let's go." I drag him away, mouthing sorry to the woman, and towards the open breakfast. The only free table was with Wendy and Freed.

"Morning." I chirp.

"Lucy, good morning." Wendy smiled, biting into some french toast.

"Miss Lucy, good morning."

"Freed, how many times have I told you not to be so formal." Laxus and Evergreen appeared over my shoulder.

"It's one of your best and worst qualities." Evergreen states proudly, plopping down next to him, pinching a few grapes.

"Dude, do we have to whip it out of you?" Laxus chuckled, taking a few of my cherries. "Thanks Blondie."

"Laxus." I squealed annoyed.

"What? You weren't eating them." He giggled, with everyone else.

"Hmph." I open my mouth wide and push the rest into my mouth, chewing them like a hamster. "Ahh, delicious."

"Lucy." Wendy laughed high pitched.

"Lucy, do you wanna come to the beach with us?" Evergreen asked nicely.

"Sounds fun. I'll see you later Wendy."

"See you Lucy, have fun."

We walk off through the glass doors to a stony patio area. Suddenly the heat hits us and sweat is soon rolling down our foreheads.

"Screw it." I moan. Stopping for a second a peel off my sweaty top, my buxom feeling free. "Much better." Ever does the same as me, relieving herself of the heat.

"Laxus what's wrong?" Ever wonders.

"*cough. Nothing." His face turns beetroot red and starts to march off to the beach.

"Laxus, wait up." I call after him, running just to catch up with him. "Wait!"
He eventually stops by a juice bar.

Laxus's POV
I try to avoide eye contact with her but she grabs hold of my shoulders forcing me to face her.

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