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The next day when I woke up, none of my friends were in my room.

Thank God, my heart can't handle much more...

I laughed at myself and got in the shower. I completed my morning routine, putting on a pair of red jeans with a white tank top and a red cardigan. I bounced my curls in the mirror and went downstairs where Blaine was. I sat down next to him and ate cereal.

"What, no 'good morning'?" Blaine asked.

"No. SInce I don't exist to you, you just won't exist to me, either."

My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I was thankful for the distraction.

Lou: "Hey B, how did the date go? Did you tell him that you love his twin?"

"No, Lou, I didn't. It wasn't a date- it was Starbucks."

Lou: "Well, I'll see you soon."

The bus came, and I sat in my usual spot. When we got to the next stop, Edward was the first one on. He sat behind me, resting his arms on the seat I was in. His head was right over my shoulder, and I could feel his breath on my neck. It sent goosebumps up my arms.

"Hey, Bella." He said, his voice smooth and low. He had on a black button up shirt and black skinny jeans. His dark brown curls were loose and dangling about, and his green eyes were on me.

"H-hi, Edward." I stuttered, looking behind me so I could see him. I wanted to capture that moment in my mind forever.

"Marcel told me you two went out yesterday."

"Yeah, we did," I said.

I took Marcel out, but only to get to you. 

"Thanks. He doesn't have many friends, so I appreciate it."

Edward Styles is thanking me? Am I dreaming?

"Oh, no problem." I said casually.

He placed his hand on my shoulder, and girls started staring at me as he stood up. Louis slipped in beside me, and Marcel sat up front, glancing at me. I waved and smiled.

Violette was right... It's working.

He waved a little, trying to hide a smile. It only brought out dimples by the corners of his mouth.

I don't want this.

Yes, you do.

"I just have to remember what I'll get out of this." I said, and Louis rolled his eyes.

"What did Edward say just now?" He asked.

"He thanked me for hanging out with Marcel."

"Told you they were close."


"Miss Hugo!" A very stern and angry voice called out.

My head snapped up and my eyes shot open.

"Having a good dream, were you?" Mrs. Rhoaaads asked, waiving a ruler in her hands.

"Um... Sure..." I said, yawning.

"Well you can catch up on sleep in detention!" She shouted, slipping me a pieve of paper- a detention slip.

People oohed and awed, but I didn't care.

She waltzed back to her desk, and I saw Marcel staring at me. He cleared his throat quietly and messed with his collar.


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