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"Edward?" I gasped; he was pinning me to the wall, his eyes told me he was angry- furious.

"Don't go after him. Leave him alone. In fact, don't even go near him again. Do you understand me?! Stay away from him!"

(Marcel's POV)

I ran and ran. I didn't know where to, but I was running.

How could she do this to me?

The tears kept falling down my cheeks, and I kept running. I ran even after my legs ached, I ran until I couldn't run anymore; I found myself at a cliff overlooking a beach. I sat on the edge, my feet dangling over.

I thought she was my friend... I thought we could be more then friends even! I thought she liked me! She was using me all along; nothing was real. The kiss, the words, the promises, nothing. All the fun we had wasn't real, either. I'm a fool! I never should've thought a girl could like me; they always want Edward. Edward this, Edward that. I'm never good enough for anybody!

I threw rocks off the cliff, reaching into my pocket. I pulled out a piece of paper- a song I had written for Bella.

Even her name sounds wrong now; I need to get it out of my mind. I opened the paper up, revealing the words I had written, but never planned to show her. It confessed all my feelings- right down to the freckles on her cheeks, her smile, her short curly hair, and her love for all things sweet. No matter how many tears I wiped away, they wouldn't stop coming.

I wrote how she made me feel- like I didn't have a care in the world; I felt safe with her. She stood up for me; I couldn't believe she turned out to be such a mistake.

She's a beautiful mistake.

If I couldn't find love and happiness in anything, then why am I even here? What's my purpose on this planet? Nobody needs me, that's for sure. Nobody would miss me if I was gone; nobody would cry over me. The only people to attend my funeral would be my mother and my sister.

Nobody loves me.

I'm worthless.


A fool.


I stood at the edge of the cliff, looking down at the beach below me. It was a far way down, surely the impact would be enough to break the spine at the least. I put my arms out, embracing the wind that was wafting through the air.

Jump. Nobody loves you.

"Marcel!" I heard someone cry my name; it was Edward. "Damn it, Marcel, don't jump!" He was running towards me as fast as he possibly could. I inched away from him, and closer to the edge.

"How did you know I was here?" I yelled over the wind and waves.

"Come on, back away from the edge! Marcel, you're freaking me out! Come over here and we'll go home!" He yelled.

"Why should I?" I almost whispered, my heel on the edge of the cliff.

I was tired of feeling alone. Tired of always feeling like it was never good enough for me to be me. I found something good, a light in my life that shone through all the darkness, someone who could take the pain away.

She was using me to get to my brother.

I'm done trying.

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