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I got through auditions and practically nailed the script, although I wasn't sure what this play was going to be about... Which is strange... You'd think they'd tell you, but I guess not. Marcel did pretty well on his script as well. He found me afterwards, and followed me to my house.

"Mom, dad, I brought Marcel over again, he's probably staying for dinner but I don't know." I said, walking through the front door.

"Okay, sweetie." Mom said, her back to us. She had grown pretty used to having him over, since I was around him more and more due to Edward's thanks. 

I took my shoes off and went down to the basement. "So there's apparently this party at some kid named Ryan's house, and you probably already know this... But are you gonna' be there?" I asked.

"Erm... I don't think so... I don't do well with parties." He said, messing with his collar.

"Oh, okay. I'm probably going to go, I was just asking. Why don't you like parties?"

Idiot of the year award goes to. . . Bella Hugo!

"I d-don't have many friends, if you haven't noticed. Parties just aren't my thing."

"Bella! Dinner!" Mom called down the stairs.

Holy crap, we just got down here.

Don't be a brat.

"Wanna stay for dinner?" I asked and he nodded.


We went upstairs and sat with my family, but Blaine wasn't at the table. Classic.

"Bella, will you go get your brother?" My dad asked, and I nodded.

I walked to his room and opened the door slightly, exposing his bed, where he was playing with his phone, his headphones in.

"Bella! You know to knock!" He yelled, and I rolled my eyes.

"C'mon, we're eating." I said, and turned to walk out of the room. Blaine followed me to the table and sat across from me. As soon as Marcel saw Blaine, he tensed up.

I didn't know what the connection was between the two of them, but I was guessing that Blaine also bullied Marcel.

Not that I care. . .

Yeah, you do.


Friday finally rolled around, and I came up to Louis in drama.

"Hey, Lou! There's a party tonight at Ryan's... Wanna go with me?" I asked, batting my eyelashes.

"Ryan who?" He asked.

"Gosling, I don't know! Are you going or not?" I asked, tapping my foot.

"Yeah, I s'pose. Only to make sure you don't get too drunk, though." He said, and laughed.

"Yeah right. If anyone got drunk, it'd be you." I said, grabbing a suspender and letting go, making it smack his chest lightly.

His eyes narrowed playfully, and he reached out to tickle me. Just to my luck, the teacher came in.

"Sit down, sit down. Louis, hands off Bella." She said, making every head turn to me. I blushed and shrunk in my seat. "Today, you will be meeting your choreographer. Meet in the gym with comfortable clothes on in five minutes. Starting... Now."

I got up to run to my locker, but fell on my face, making several people laugh at me.

"Shuddup, neanderthals." I said, and Louis laughed, helping me up. I jumped on his back, and he carried me to my locker.

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