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(Bella's P.O.V)

I sat up in bed, my alarm blaring beside me. The sun was shining through the curtains, and right onto my scrunched up face.

Today was the first day of my junior year. I got up and walked over to my vanity. My short, curly black hair was sticking out all over the place, which was normal for me and easy to tame. I got in the shower, cleaned myself, and got out, wrapping my hair in a towel. I threw on some skinny jeans and a red tank top with a white cardigan, and unwrapped my hair. The wet curls stuck to my face as I combed my part into place, and got out my gel. I ran it through my hair, making the curls bounce and have more volume. I put on mascara, highlighting my dark brown eyes, brushed my teeth, and went back to my room. My eyes fell on my bed that I desperately wanted to fall onto. My older brother, Blaine, pounded on my door.

"Mom says to get up!" He yelled, and I rolled my eyes.

"I already am up, doofus!" I yelled back, and I heard him leave.

I ran chapstick over my lips, hoping they wouldn't crack. I grabbed my phone and backpack, and went downstairs where my mom was making oats.

"Yum..." Blaine said sarcastically as mom put some in his bowl, and I rolled my eyes.

"Quit complaining, just eat it!" She scolded him.

I ate mine; the slimy texture made my skin crawl. I got to the bus stop just in time- the bus was nearly to the stop. I stepped on and walked to the middle of the bus, sitting in an empty window seat. Blaine always drives himself to school. He could drive me too, but he says that he doesn't want people to think that he's dating me. I told him that he could just tell everybody that I'm his sister, but he didn't want to do that either. All those years, and nobody but Violette knew we were related.

As we got to the next stop, a boy with thick rimmed glasses that covered half of his face got on. His hair was slicked back, and he had somewhat of a cowlick in the front. He wore a vest, and had on a maroon tie. As he walked down the bus aisle, people were giving him dirty looks that said 'don't sit by me or I'll rip your throat out'. I've seen him around school once or twice, but I didn't know anything about him. Next on the bus was my best friend, Louis.

"Hello, all my fellow scholars!" He shouted, and I chuckled. He did a little dance and sat next to me.

"Hey, Louis!" I smiled.

"Hey, B!" He called be 'B'. I was never sure why, but he said that he liked it so it was good enough for me. Louis was always wearing some sort of thing that you wouldn't expect people to wear and look good in, like suspenders or weird patterned bow ties, but he always pulled it off. Today he was wearing black and white striped suspenders with a white skin-tight long-sleeve shirt and red pants.

Next on the bus was a boy who had the same face as the nerdy kid, but his hair was curly, and he had on a skin tight black T-shirt to go along with his dark skinny jeans. We all knew him as Edward Styles. He rolled his eyes at a few glaring students, and sat at the back of the bus, putting on his headphones. Several girls swooned over him, and he winked, making them melt into the bus seats. I was no exception; the shirt he had on showed all of his muscles, and you could see tattoos on his arms and peeking out from under his sleeves.

"So, how was your weekend?" Louis asked, snapping me back into reality. His light brown hair was pushed across his forehead, making me wonder how he got it to keep from falling down his face.

"How do you get your hair like that?" I asked, and he gave me a weird look.

"Like what?"

"Like, not to fall in your face. I'm guessing it would take a lot of gel, but it doesn't look dry at all... It looks like you just combed it there and it stayed."

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