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(Marcel's POV)

"I don't understand you, Marcel, why would you even attempt something like that?" My mother asked, running a hand through her hair.

"I wouldn't expect you to understand."

"I don't. Which is exactly why I've enrolled you in a help institution for troubled kids." She looked at me, and I knew she was scared for me.

"I don't need help." I argued.

"Yes, Marcel, you do. The institution is in Maine, so we're moving out there. Start packing; we leave next week." She said, ending the 'conversation'.


Two days later*

I was sitting outside on the porch swing.

I was so alone.

I didn't go to school anymore, and my mum was afraid of me. I didn't understand why- I wasn't a danger to anyone... Except myself.

I wanted to be loved; to be wanted. Only one person besides my own brother had treated me that way, and she was just pretending.

She was using me the whole time, and she didn't put the shattered pieces of me back together; she crushed them further. I should've known she was too good to be true.


Moving day*

I sat in the backseat of the car, mom driving the box-filled moving truck. Edward was in the front seat of the car, and I kept looking down at my phone- I had gotten call after call after text from Bella, but I soon blocked her number.

I was leaving her behind, along with everything else.


*laughs maniacally whilst spinning in chair, white fluffy cat in lap*

Did you enjoy it?

Did I make you mad with the ending?

I've had a couple sequel requests- should I make a sequel to Using Marcel?

Thank you for reading; comment, vote, etc.

Any fan art will be posted :)


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