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Maybe today he'll tell you what went wrong...

I stood in front of my full-body mirror, dressed in a pair of white skinny jeans and a black and white striped long-sleeved T-shirt. Let's just say I have a soft spot for cardigans and stripes. My hair was curled, my teeth were brushed, etc. I put on some black Keds and walked downstairs. I paid Blaine no attention as he did little things to annoy me. He spilled the milk, he kept clearing his throat, he chewed with his mouth open, but I kept ignoring him. He wasn't worth my time anymoe.

When the bus came, I gladly got on and took my seat. I decided to text Louis.

"Hi! x"

Lou: "Um, hi? I'm gonna see you on the bus in like two minutes, you couldn't wait?"

"Nope, I got bored waiting. x"

Lou: "So I'm a last resort?(;"

"No. "

We stopped at their bus stop, and all the kids from down that way got on. Louis sat next to me as usual, Edward went to the back, and Marcel stayed up front.

"Hey, Lou."

"Hello!" He sang.

I didn't bother telling him about Marcel's coming over last night; I'd just get lectured.

"Today I go in for my driving test, so wish me luck.

"You'll do great," he said, ruffling my hair.

When we got to the school, Louis walked with me to my locker. I got out the books that I needed and slammed it shut, locking it. As soon as I turned around, I ran right into Marcel, both of our books sprawling out across the hall. Several kids started to laugh, and I blushed in embarrassment.

"Sorry, Marcel."

"I-It's fine, no h-harm done."

We gathered our books and went our separate ways.

"That was so embarrassing!" I loudly whispered to Louis.

"It was even more amusing from up here!" He said, bursting into laughter. "You turned around, and then bam!" He said, wiping a pretend tear from his eye.

"Shuddup, I have to go to pre-calc. See ya' in drama."

"Don't be such a drama queen. See ya!" He said, running off in the opposite direction for pre-trig.

I barely made it through pre-calc without falling asleep, and I had to smack my face over and over again to wake myself up afterwards.


"Bella, what are you doing?" Ms. Gentily asked me; I was still lightly smacking my cheeks.

"I'm staying awake..." I said sleepily.

"Today, we will be rehearsing for the auditions. I want everyone to do their best. I know some of you have paired up already to practice, so if you've practiced this play recently with someone, raise your hand."

I did as told, but I barely raised it. Maybe she won't see me.

"Bella, you first. Who's your partner?"

Why does she always choose me? Gah, here we go... Do it for Edward.

I cleared my throat. "I've been rehearsing with Marcel." Several kids laughed, and Ms. Gentily gave them the evil eye.

"Lovely. Now if the two of you could come up here please, that'd be great."

We shuffled to the front of the class, and I looked back to see someone tripping Marcel, and Edward shot them a death glare.

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