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I slammed my hand down on my alarm, but it wouldn't stop blaring. Come to think of it, it didn't even sound like my alarm...

The heck?!

I looked across the room, to see a very giggly Violette.

"Woah!" I exclaimed, my heart nearly exploded.

She laughed. "Sorry! I'm here to start plan B- Using Marcel. We need to make you super sexy, but cute and nerdy at the same time." She said as I got up, floating to the bathroom.

"First..." I started, stepping into the shower; she sat on the toilet as I showered. "I don't want to call it plan 'Using Marcel', that sounds so mean."

And truthful.

"Fine... But only because we can't use it in public. How about Plan Twilight?"

And, there it is.

I sighed. "Fine."

"You got my joke?"

"Yes, Vi, I did." I stepped out of the shower, wrapping my towel around myself.

"I got you together an outfit! Like I said, cute and nerdy, but oh so hot." She grinned.

"Or, I could dress like me." I suggested, walking to my closet.

"No, no, no. That'll never do."

"Well what do you have in mind?!" I threw my hands in the air.

I looked towards the bed, and saw a black skirt that went up to my mid thighs, a white tank top, and a black cardigan.

"The cardi and the tank top are fine. That skirt, no way. I'd get expelled."

She sighed. "Fine. Got any black skinny jeans?"

"Now, you're speaking my language." I smiled and took out a pair, slipping them on. I put on the rest of the clothes, and applied mascara.

I did my hair and brushed my teeth, flashing myself a quick smile before leaving the mirror; I decided it helps me get through the day if I start it off with a smile. I put on black Keds and walked downstairs with Violette. Blaine was already down there, finishing off his cereal.

"Morning, Blaine." I said, sitting down.

He ignored me, and I poured myself some cereal. As I ate, I listened to Violette rant on and on about Plan Twilight.

"You need to swing your hips when you walk past, and then you need to wink at him, and drop your books, and then he-" She ranted, and I shushed her.

"I am not acting like a slut! It's bad enough that I'm gonna get all that hate for 'liking Marcel'."

She glared at me. "Fine."

I walked to the bus stop, and looked at Violette. "You don't usually ride this bus; the bus driver can't let you on."

"Oh well, I'll have Blaine drive me."

"He won't drive you." I said, pursing my lips together.

She pulled out her phone, moved her fingers around like she was typing, and looked at me proudly.

"He said he'd take me." She smiled, and I looked at her like she had three eyes.

"What?! Let me see." I said, taking her phone.

"Hey, Blaine, will you take me to school? The bus driver won't take me, and it's too far to walk:("

Blaine: "Sure thing. I'll be out in 5."

Using MarcelWhere stories live. Discover now