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I jumped around happily, as I took my license.

"Thank you! That's me, on a license!" I cheered, leaving the grotto.

I drove myself home, and when I got inside, it was 5:30.

"Mom, dad, I got my license!" I exclaimed, showing it to them.

"Oh, good job, sweetie! I''m so proud!" My mom said, and looked in the fridge to see if she needed anything, I was guessing.

"Thanks! Oh and tonight I'm going to dinner with a... Friend." I said, glancing at my shoes.

"A friend?" My dad questioned.

"Yeah. He's picking me up at six, so I have to be ready. Bye!" I was about to make a run for it up the stairs, but my dad caught my arm.


I sighed in defeat. "Marcel's taking me out to dinner. You met him the other night, remember?"

"He seems like a nice boy," my mom said. "Go on up and get ready."

I threw open my closet. What does one wear to dinner with someone that they're playing? I decided to keep my white jeans on, and throw on a white tank top with a navy blue cardigan. I made sure my hair was okay, and put on my black shoes again. By the time I was ready, it was 6:00.

"Bella, Marcel is here!" My mom called up the stairs, and I walked down them, grabbing my phone on the way out. Marcel was wearing a white T-shirt and black skinny jeans. His hair was still slicked back and his glasses still sat on the bridge of his nose, but holy crap can that kid clean up.

"Hi, Marcel." I said, closing the front door behind me.

"H-hi, Bella... You look lovely..." He said nervously, not knowing what to do with his hands, since he didn't have a collar to play with.

"Thanks. You look... Wow." I said as he opened his car door for me. I slid in, and he got in the driver's seat.

"Is it okay? I asked Edward to help me out, and he gave me these..." He said as he drove.

"Yeah, I mean, you look great." I managed to say.

"Thank you."

"So, where are we going?" I asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

He looks really nice.

Don't change him. 

"I-I know this little place, I think it's pretty good."

"I'm sure it'll be great," I answered.

My phone vibrated, showing a text from Louis. 

Lou: "How's your date going?"

"He looks... Wow, Lou. I'm honestly questioning my motives here..."

Lou: "Whadd'ya mean?"

"I mean, he looks really good. He's wearing black skinny jeans and a white T-shirt, Lou. SKINNY JEANS!"

Lou: "So you like him better than Edward now?"

"NO. Plan Twilight is still in place. I'm just saying, I'm changing him. This is bad. He's changing for me. Edward isn't gonna be happy."

Liu: "You said it, not me. -L"

The -L at the end of his text showed me that he was done with the conversation; I learned that trick of his years ago.

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