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"So I know that we have that big exam on Wednesday, and I suck at biology... Would you mind if we studied together sometime?" I asked, lowering myself next to him.

"Erhm, I-I wouldn't mind...""

"When would you like to?"

He fidgeted with his collar, and I pulled out my phone to look at the time.

"How about... Tonight?" He asked.

"That's fine. I'll order pizza so we don't have to sit at dinner with my family... Last time was very..." I trailed off, not knowing how to finish the sentence.

"Okay, that sounds nice..."

"Great!" I stood up as the bell rang.


I made it through the day, strangely excited to be hanging out with Marcel. I had to remind myself more and more why I was even doing what I was. 

It's not really a date, though... Just studying... With Marcel... Yeah, it's a study date.

I saw Marcel walk over to the bus, and I followed him. Louis caught up with me and jumped on my back.

"Oof!" I fell to the ground, laughing. I stood up with him still on me, and gave him a ride to the bus.

"I'm surprised you got back up with me on you!" He exclaimed as I sat down.

"You calling me weak?"

"No, actually, I'm saying you're stronger than I thought."

"Um, thanks... I think." I messed up his hair and he scoffed, fixing it.

Edward walked past to sit in his normal spot, and a trail of the scent of his cologne was left behind.

"Mmm, Lou, why can't you smell like that?" I asked, poking him.

"Because I'm not a mysterious chick magnet with every girl falling at my feet...?"

"He's not mysterious, he's just..." I tried to find the right way to explain him, but there was no way to.

About an hour later, I was dropped at my stop, and walked home to get ready for tonight. I walked inside and my brother was sitting on the couch watching football.

"Marcel's coming over later and you had better not make him uncomfortable!" I warned him, going upstairs.

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

I put on a pair of gray leggings and a white sweater with gray aztec designs on it. My hair was put up in a bun, and I re-applied lip gloss along with brushing my teeth again- I didn't want my breath to stink; that'd be awkward.

I ordered pizza, and sat on bed with my laptop. I went on Tumblr and reblogged a few things before I heard a knock at the front door. I ran downstairs before anyone else could get the door, and opened it. Marcel had on skinny jeans again, and he had on a white T-shirt.

"Hey, Marcel! C'mon in. Mom, there's money on the table, when the pizza comes will you get it?"

"Sure hon."

I led Marcel up to my room, and shut the door. I had my books on the floor. I sat down next to him, and we asked each other study guide questions. After a little while, mom brought up the pizza.

"Thanks, mom!"

"You're welcome! Have fun!" She closed my door again.

I opened the pizza, and handed a piece to Marcel which he gladly accepted.

"You look nice..." Marcel said, and I blushed.

"Thanks... Gah, I hate it when I blush." I smacked my cheeks.

"I think it's kinda cute, actually- Peripheral, Cutaneous Vasodilation."

Didn't see that coming...

I think I blushed even more. "Thanks, I suppose."

He leaned over the study guide, looking at a problem.

I love the way he squints his eyes when he thinks...

"Ugh, I'm bored already." I complained, gesturing to the books.

"What do you do for fun?" He asked.

"Um... I play guitar, mostly. I also like to read and play video games, and eat ice cream, and eat food... And play soccer, then eat more food." I said, and he laughed.

"What's your favorite ice cream flavor?" He asked, closing the biology book.

"Probably either vanilla bean or mocha... Yours?" It was amazing how we could go from studying, to talking about ice cream.

"Cherry or chocolate."

"How about both?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Yeah, that actually sounds really good. I'll have to try it sometime!"

"Why not now? I think we have both of those... C'mon!" I took his hand, and I led him downstairs and into the kitchen, opening the freezer. "Jackpot!" I took all of the ice cream that we had in my arms, and grinned, carrying it to the table.

"Good Lord, Bella, what do you need all that ice cream for?" My mom asked, walking into the kitchen.

"It's for a scientific experiment based on the effects of different ice cream flavors fusing together." I madly grinned, and my mom shook her head. 

"I'll never understand you," she said, smiling as she left.

I scooped some of each ice cream into two bowls, and handed the finished one to Marcel.

"What are they teaching in schools these days?" I mocked my mom, swinging around the scoop.

Ice cream flung off of the scoop, splattering all over my face. I started to laugh, and soon Marcel joined me. "Ew, it's all sticky!" I exclaimed. I wiped it off of my cheek with my hand, and smeared it all over Marcel's cheek. I turned my back to him, getting Reddi Whip out of the fridge. Marcel wiped the ice cream right back onto me, and I sprayed the whipped cream at him, covering his shirt. He grabbed the other can and ran after me as I bolted out the door and into the backyard.

I turned and sprayed at him, but he had caught up a lot- enough to make a little swirl of cream on top of my head. I shot him with more, and made little dollops of it on his glasses lenses. He wiped them off and ran after me again, until he ran out of whipped cream. By then, we were both covered in it, and so was my yard. I stood on his tip-toes, and I put the last of my whipped cream on top of his head, on his slicked over hair. I laughed when he reached up to get it off. We looked into each others' eyes, and I raised my eyebrows, smirking.

"I think, I won." I said, moving off of his shoes.


"Goodness, what happened to the two of you?" My mom said as I walked inside with Marcel. He was looking anywhere but at her, and I looked her dead in the eyes, laughing.

"We had a whipped cream fight... Awe man, the ice cream's melted!" I whined.

"Just get more, I put the bins away before those melted too. Go shower first." Mom instructed, and I nodded.

"I have a shower in my room, we can take turns. I'll go first." I said, walking up the stairs. "That was really fun! I'm sticky and gross, but it was fun."

"Yeah, it was. Shoot- I left my glasses outside, I'll be right back."

"Okay!" I entered the bathroom and closed the door.

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