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Sundays are my lazy day. I like to sit around, and basically do nothing. That's why when I was being shaken awake, I threw the nearest item at their head.

"Ouch! B!" Louis whined. I sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"That's what you get for waking me up on my lazy day..."

"I can't believe you threw an alarm clock at me..." He said, and I chuckled.

"Sorry, Lou." I kissed his forehead. "What're you doing here?"

"We're going out today."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we're going out. You've been spending too much time with Marcel and his brother, and not enough with me."

"You don't count getting drunk with you as hanging out?" I laughed.

"That was terrible. But fun."

"So, where are we going?" I asked, getting impatient.

"First, Starbucks like I promised. Wait- did I already take you? I think I did... Oh well, I'm taking you again! Then, we're going to go to an art museum and make fun of the art, and then, we're going to eat food, and then, we're going to the beach, and then, we're going to eat again, and then, we're going to go get frozen yogurt, and have a movie marathon, and I'm staying the night, I already asked your mom. And yes, I do look great today, thank you."

"Holy crap, Tomlinson, I'm impressed." I said, and he smiled, showing how proud he was to impress me. "What should I dress like?" I asked mostly to myself, going through my closet before my shower.

"Something that makes you look not naked."

"Wow, Lou, great advice, I'll come to you more often." I said sarcastically.

"You're welcome, B."

I pulled out a pair of orange skinny jeans and a gray tank top with a white cardigan. I pulled out my gray flats, and walked to the shower. I conditioned my curls, and stepped out, getting dressed. Once I put the holding gel in my hair, I put mascara on and stepped out of the bathroom. Louis was laying on his stomach on my bed, playing on his phone. I sat on his back.

"I'm ready!" I sang. He somehow flipped himself over, and scooped me up bridal-style, carrying me to the stairs. "Lou... What are you doing?" I asked, suspicion in my tone. He swung me over the stairs like he was going to throw me down. "Louis William Tomlinson you had better not!" I yelled, grabbing onto him anywhere I could. My dad came around the corner from the kitchen, and saw Louis swinging me.

Thank the Lord, he'll save me!

"Go on, Louis, I'll catch her!" He yelled, holding his hands out.

"Louis put me down!" I screeched, my captor laughing as he released me.

"Awe, why'd you do that?" My dad pouted, and laughed, returning to the kitchen.

"You're so mean." I walked down the stairs, and grabbed a pancake off the griddle that my mom was using. "Ow! Hot!" I exclaimed, panting the steam out of my mouth.

"Okay, hot stuff, let's go." Louis said, leading me out the door. When we left, I turned to him, still holding my pancake.

"Did you call me hot stuff?"

He chuckled. "It took ya' long enough to notice."

"Why, though?"

"Because you just said that the pancake was hot, and steam was coming out of your mouth... You obviously need coffee."

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